SPark's Multiple Personality Zone.

"Take your hand off the phone, there's no need to call a shrink just yet. I know as well as you do where the line between fantasy and reality lies. I think I may know even better. You, like most of the rest of humanity, have chosen to live your life on just one side of that line, the side you call 'sane.' I'm not advocating a life solely on the other side either. Those poor souls who can't tell what is real and what isn't, who have wandered over the line, they don't have an easy life. But I wouldn't want to live like you, trapped in a limited reality. Take a good look at your life, take a good look at mine. Which of us is happier? No, don't tell me. I already know."

-Quote by Stephanie to an anonymous friend.

Well, here's my main areas, go take a look at whatever catches your eye. And if you get lost, you can try the complete site list though due to the perpetual construction, it may not be completely up to date.

Also, as the site is fairly graphics intense, and I haven't gotten around to putting up the alt text for most of my pictures yet, those of you with non-graphical browsers, or with ones that are really slow may want to take a look at my (alomst) graphics free tour. (It's mostly my stories.) Just click on the "take a tour" link in the geoguide at the top of the page. (Also available, the no-frames version.)

Disclaimer: This page has no connection whatsoever to actual multiple personality disorders, it is solely a reflection of my own particular brand of insanity.

If you'd like to see a page that deals with real MPD, just go here.

About... Art Literature Going Places Leftovers

The Purple Dragon

The Purple Dragon's fantasy art hoard

The Dragon Queen, a novel in progress

Friends and family links

Awards I've earned

Bladespark Trethoniel

How to draw like SPark

Serious stories

RPG related links

An award you can win

Stephanie Park

Sparkling Image Graphics

My Amazon bookstore

Fun links

My cyber pets

Utter Nonsense

Adopt a SPark Dragon

Sign the guestbook

Artists and Authors

Rings and guilds

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What's new?
Well, college is over and my nifty t-1 connection is gone *snif* But I'm still at it. All of the new stuff these dyas is going up at my nifty no-banner site at Quelm Go take a look!

And also up at Quelm (but I thought I'd link to it form here) is the lastest chapter of The Dragon Queen. Yep, we've reached Chapter 20!

Ok, not all of the new stuff is a Quelm, I just finished putting up two nifty new awards. That's right, there are now two new awards you can win from me. Neat-o, huh? And one more new thing going here instead of Quelm is a new serious story, A Cure for Insomnia.

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Hmm... could the counter actually be functioning now? I do believe it is!

The Credits:

All artwork on my pages(with the exception of the various banners, buttons, bars, and other such) is the property of:
SPark*ling Image Graphics.

All the buttons, bars, and other doodads on this page are courtesy of

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