
Jedi versus Sith

  It is several thousand years since the Great Sith War, and in that time, the Jedi Order have maintained one or two jedi whose task it was to keep look out for signs of Sith re-emergence.
In recent decades, that position has fallen into dis-use, as the pressures of maintaining order have grown. More as an attempt to show willing, civilians - non-jedi - have been enlisted to continue the duty.

  With the attack of a mysterious dark warrior on the jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia's Sith-I-5 team may be needed more than ever.

  Homicide: The Slain Sith Affair - Published in Delta Source Fiction Special (2002)

  Sith-I-5: To Trace A Sith -

Twi'lek investigator
Sounil Mistry
  World-class martial arts competitor in Meridean Jitsu, Sounil Mistry is visually stunning. The slim-built female Twi'lek prefers to work in the uniform of her art, a belted thigh-length silk robe that reflects blue in many hues, gold symbol over her left breast, tanned bare legs, dark ankle boots. Occasionally she wears camouflage fatigues.

After failing to win a global championship on her home planet two years before, she fled in shame, taking a summer job at the Jedi Library on Ossus, getting her private investigator's licence by correspondence course, and eventually opting to use her skills to help the galaxy.

Her current career move provides her with sufficient purpose to keep herself sated, sanctioned by the Jedi Order to flit around the galaxy checking for signs of Dark Side activity in such picture postcard locales as the Krath temples in the Empress Teta star system.
Jawa Detective
Det. Hardcastle
Although we are unsure of the details, it seems that this jawa had a different upbringing to many of his fellows, and picked up a manservant on the way, so it is possible that he got adopted and brought up by a sympathetic (and possibly quite ignorant) human couple. He is aware of many jawa customs and traditions, as well as their language, so he must have been in contact with them.
He shares their racial passion around anything mechanical, but isn't as primitive as they are. Hardcastle has a fine analytical mind, as well as good engineering skills.
Ex-Trade Federation droid
Multi-purpose crew droid. Pilots the ship, acts as the last line of security, and basically helps around the base.
Bomar Monk Pure researcher. If presented to him in the right way, the BM can sift through reams of data faster than anyone on the team.
Formby Plot-wise, this character is a waste of space, apart from being Hardcastle's translator, manservant and aide.
Jedi Knight
Adi Gallia
Jedi Knight. Boss of the team, and their liaison with the jedi council.

Daughter of wealthy Corellian parents, this pretty human female wears a headress of grey tentacles which give her an alien look and complement her dark skin.
She is highly indulgent of, and protective towards the jawa detective, whom she thinks of as a highly intelligent, but precocious child. She also respects Sounil, and has not only presented the Twi'lek with a training lightsabre, but attempted to train her in defensive techniques in case she should run into a Sith on her travels.

Base of operations
Diplomatic-red Republic Cruiser.
The vessel served as a secret headquarters under a mountain on Coruscant. It could be launched into space if the Jedi Council felt the entire team should go, but the action would compromise secrecy long held, so the move wasn't taken lightly.

A hundred and fifteen metres of Corellian Engineering ingenuity, the top front deck consisting of cockpit, crew stations and quarters, moving back into three decks of passenger and utility areas, and then the back third expanded into a horizontal spread of sublight and hyperdrive engines.

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