The Characters: Karrde The man is thin, with a quiet air of intensity about him only guessed at by his light eyes. He has a thin, almost sardonic, face, and a calm tone of voice. He is casually dressed in dark blues, slacks with simple boots, and a much worn dress shirt with a fastened collar. Slog Rotund and vile. This Hutt would be considered elderly among his species. Greyish wirey tufts of hair jut from his massive slobbering chin. His eyes are bulbous and orange. His rumbling voice, hideous in it's mucousy overtones rolls out of his wide slit-like mouth. His body is nothing more than a blubbery mass of fetid flesh, ending in a thick snakelike tail. Mara_Jade Your eyes fall upon a beautiful 5'10" human female. She has the body of a dancer, and the eyes of a mercenary. Her medium-length, red-gold hair is pulled back into a smooth, tight ponytail. Her eyes are deep emerald green and usually expressionless. Overall, she is strikingly beautiful, but there is some kind of bitterness or other emotion marring her beauty. She walks with the cat-like grace and a dancer's agility, but also with the hard-edged demeanor of a soldier. She wears a plain grey tunic and pants tucked into black boots, very non-descript, and would ordinarily vanish into her surroundings, except that she very often decides not to. Her eyes focus with a calculating gaze on anything that falls in her line of sight. Often she may look as if she is oblivious to the world around her, but some more perceptive people might get the impression that she knows quite a bit more than she actually lets on. Elysia Rapacious eyes of a cold winter storm stare out from the face of a young woman, the left eye a rich emerald green, the right a vivid sapphire blue. Thick, dark hair is worn down, curled ringlets tumbling across her shoulders and to a point just above the middle of her back. Smooth, fair skin is flawless in nature, her face rarely holding more than a touch of emotion to it. Her athletic body moves with the grace of a predatory animal, her movements fluid, motions mere whispers. The woman's upper body is clad in a loose crimson blouse, the first two buttons of which are casually left open to barely reveal portions of her feminine curves while the length only reaches halfway down her torso, cropped short to expose her firm, toned abdomen, the long sleeves buttoned at the cuff. Slender fingers are tipped in exquisitely manicured nails painted in a deep, crimson hue. Well fitted pants of a sharp black accompany the snug leather top to define the woman's natural curves and slender, toned legs. A black utility belt hangs about the woman's waist, resting higher on the right than it does on the left as it sits loosely upon the curves of her slender hips. A pair of military combat boots which have been shined to near luminescence lace up to mid-calf, the ends of her pants legs tucked neatly inside. ----- The Scene: The scattering of tables alternates from pools of darkness to blisters of light, intentionally or otherwise, highlighting patrons of the shady establishment. Somewhere in between, Talon Karrde sits in twilight, watching the room with the idly intentness of a man at ease. Beside him, a youngish human male is slightly less relaxed, and the two converse quietly. The doorway flashes brightly for a fraction of a second before an oblong shape blocks it and squirms through. Grunting deeply and emitting various gases, Slog squishes in, past the patrons bustling for entry and exit. His bulbous eyes scanning the darkness, adjusting quickly to the light, he makes an effort to turn his rotund body halfway and belches behind him, blinking. Mara_Jade glides in behind Slog, frighteningly quietly and crosses her arms. She payattention to no one in particular and blinks in annoyance at the varying lights. Nevertheless, she trains her eyes on each and every patron in turn. Elysia emerges from the doorway just a step shy of Mara; a certain grace in her step, her pace measured and exacting in nature. She carries a datapad in her left hand and her eyes float across the room upon entry, her gaze cool and calculating as it sweeps the establishment. "Find him." Slog bellows at Mara. A thick mucousy tongue slithering out to lap at his chin. A rumbling addition comes from the Hutts mouth, "..and keep these derelicts away from me.. Hells.." quirking his mouth up in disgust at the various creatures nearby him he grunts once more, heaving his body along the floor, rattling dishes and some patrons appetites. "Elysia.." he roars out lowly.. "Hrrrrmm... as you were saying my dear.." Karrde, like many beings around him, looks to the entrance of the large Hutt, taking in as much, if not more, the creature's two companions. His mouth lifts in a faint smile, though possibly in response to something his friend mutters. Mara_Jade glances back at Slog, a hint of disgust entering her eyes, and then turns back to the area around him. "Move it," she growls softly, and several nearby creatures edge quickly away. She scans the room for someone and, noticing a smiling man watching them, raises an eyebrow and starts to move towards him. Elysia's stride takes her over to a distance of a few meters from the Hutt and her attention turns back to the datapad in hand as she slows her pace to walk alongside it, "Yes, the latest endeavor persued has been efficiently controlled to the point of completion; the revenues of such were very profitable. More than twenty percent what we estimated it would be." Slog rumbles his approval at the numbers and slithers after Mara. Wide eyes squinting, a stubby hand stroking his wirey beard which happens to be dripping with pale scum. Karrde remains the idle onlooker for a bit, regarding the more forceful of the entourage as she walks. It's a studying look, without appearing rude, and he pulls it off well. The man beside him seeks obscurity in his dirty mug, frowning. Mara_Jade continues to walk towards Karrde until she reaches him, appearing to most eyes as if she isn't interested in whether or not Slog is following her. When she finally reaches him, she studies him for a moment and turns her face to Elysia, tacitly assuring her that this is the one. She says nothing to Slog and simply watches for a moment. Elysia continues her slow pace beside Slog, matching his slithering speed with ease as if accustomed to adjusting her long legged stride in this fashion. She remains at least a meter from him, if not two, at all times, her gaze rising from the datapad to shift to Mara. With a crisp flicker her eyes quickly move to the men at the table, studying them appraisingly, as one would cargo before an important purchase. "Dro Goda." Slog rumbles slowly. His head dipping a fraction of a centimeter in as cordial a greeting as he is likely to give. He blinks at Mara, then to Karrde. "Ahhhh.. Talon Karrde then. I'm glad you could make it." he says as folds of flesh flap onto the table. His tail jutting out into the aisle. "Errrrmmm." he rumbles, awaiting Karrde's response. Karrde sits up, a preparatory formal motion. He allows a half second for the Hutt to settle, literally, before saying cordially, "Always a pleasure, Your Excellency." His tone is reserved, as formal as his stance, though his sardonic face is inquiringly pleasant. Slog's wide toad-like face is comically insidious, yet he licks the corners of his mouth with the greenish tongue in approval of Karrde's manners. His ego sufficiently bloated along with his body, he rumbles, "I understand you're in the business Karrde.." mid sentence he snatches his short arm out toward a tray of appetizers on the table. Several of them disappear into the gaping maw before he finishes, "..yes.. and I have a proposition for you.." Again the slobbering tongue, "I am Slog. The Hutt." as if to punctuate his greatness, he belches. Mara_Jade positions herself easily against the wall between the Hutt and Karrde. She stares at both dispassionately and her hand occasionally brushes her arm idly. Watching expectantly, she appears almost lost in thought. Karrde sits still, though his companion sits back, as if seeking a polite way to further himself from the Hutt. Karrde says, dryly, "Of course, I'll hear it." He gives a glance to the two women, including them with the look. "Please make yourselves confortable." The Hutt responds by devouring several more hors d'oevres and belching to the side, "Elysia.." Mara_Jade levels her penetrating, green eyes at the older human male. "I am comfortable," she sneers, watching him suspiciously. She seems about to say something but then stops and waits for Elysia to begin. Karrde nods with a smile to Jade's response, and looks to the other woman. Elysia watches Slog speak with Karrde without intrusion, remaining back a few steps from the table, datapad held in clasped hands which rest at her waist. The sapphire of her right eye sparkles under the odd lighting while the deep emerald of her left seems to draw in the darnkess of the room's shadows, both fixated on Karrde in a cool gaze but neither that nor her lithe frame move an inch at his offer. At Slog's call, however, she strides to the table with a measured pace, bringing the datapad up and focusing on it briefly and saying, "There is an important shipment of goods which needs to be delivered to Thy'los in the near future. It is entirely possible the Imperial blockade is still in place, a blockade which would need to be surpassed in order to deliver said shipment." Eyes flick up to Karrde and she stares at him quietly for a moment to see how this information is sinking in. Mara_Jade adds quickly, frowning deeply. "And it would be nice if it actually reaches Thylos..." Karrde considers not Elysia, but Jade as the man at Karrde's side frowns and defers to him, stating in no words his doubt. Karrde asks softly, "His Excellency would have hardly sought someone who was known for anything but good work, I'm sure." Again that smile as he turns to look back to Slog. "What are the goods?" Mara_Jade looks back at Slog and almost seems as if she is suppressing sardonic laughter. "Yes, his Excellency...I'm sure..." She turns her gaze back on Karrde. "But I wonder what he would think if he knew what you really were: less of a smuggler...and more of a _pirate_" On the last word she scowls at Karrde and turns her attention to Slog, as if waiting to explain. A raspy sound comes from the Hutt's blubbery throat. It could be the sound of air being pulled thoughtfully into his mouth, or some other regurgitative yet contemplative noise. "Shardrah spice.. excellent quality.." he ravishes the words dreamily, his orange eyes slowly closing as he ponders the wealth that that particular name conjures. Snapping his eyes wide open again, he peers at Karrde. "..for my cousin Fithrah.. he pays handsomely.." a rolling chuckle boils in the Hutts abdomen. Slog considers Mara's words. His gaze furrowing, "Hrmm.." he looks quizically at the man. With a slight movement of thumb, Elysia keys up a command on her datapad and remains quiet as the Hutt responds to Karrde's inquiry, waiting in silence for her resources to be called upon again. The crisp, jewel-like orbs which peer out from her refined face remain settled firmly upon Karrde as the others converse with him, watching his every move studiously. Karrde's calm attention remains on the Hutt, though his brows rise briefly at Jade's 'accusation'. He pauses at Slog's words, comments, "Quite a cargo. I imagine it would be difficult to find shippers for it, with the additional risks." Slog lols his tongue back and forth, shifting his weight. His eyes find Elysia's. Mara_Jade glances slowly back and forth between Karrde and Slog and raises an eyebrow. "It appears our friend here," she motions towards Karrde, "had a bit of a run-in with another of our associates. You remember the trouble we had with Karn?" she points at Karrde. "He's sitting right there." Her arms cross quickly and she takes a more combat-like stance, but doesn't make a move yet, preferring to await the Hutt's response first. With a brief glance to Slog, Elysia answers the question posed, "Shippers aren't a difficult asset to aquire. However.." She pauses a moment and looks between the two men before returning her attention to Karrde, "Finding shippers who are not already linked to our organization is a little more challenging." "Is this true Karrde?" Slog answers lowly. His attention riveted by the appetizer tray once more. He asks the question off hand, as if it's importance has yet to be determined and he is indifferent to it. Karrde adds, "And shippers who meet your high requirements of reliablility I imagine." He shifts his near-lazy gaze to Jade, noting her stance in passing and admits, "Your Excellency, If a man values his business and means of survival, he wouldn't knowingly seek to harm it." The answer is idle, as if this were a given, and he adds mildly, "No offense is meant in misunderstandings." Slog chomps as Karrde speaks. If he has an opinion he doesn't show it, however he does glance at Mara. Mara_Jade leans over the table angrily at Karrde. "No offense in misunderstandings....but I doubt this is a misunderstanding," she growls softly and removes a tiny blaster from an unseen hiding place. "I would suggest you take this a little more seriously," she sneers quietly. Slog smiles at his bodyguards forthrightness. He says nothing. Simply pleased that his underlings will take care of his best interests. The man next to Karrde starts, but stills as the older man makes a slight motion with one hand before setting it back on the table and saying, firmly and quietly, "I take a great deal seriously, and threat doesn't change that. If His Excellency has come to find a means of moving his cargo, then I can assure him, with all seriousness, that it can be done." He maintains his light-eyed gaze on Jade, his larconic expression backed by a level gaze. "Mara.." Slog says in a reassuring tone, "Do you believe this man is the best choice for the job?" Elysia remains in her passive stance, hands moving to clasp themselves before her again at her waist with her datapad held lightly but firmly in their grasp. Her posture is straight and precise, a businesslike aura envelopping her form as she watches the verbal exchanges at the table with no visible interest or disintrest of note. Mara_Jade appears quite unimpressed. "I'm certain you would go to all sorts of lengths to assure you get what you want," she growls, her voice implying her belief in his crime again. She glances back at Slog momentarily when he speaks and then focuses coldly on Karrde once more. Out of nowhere she blinks and then stares at the human incredulously. She seems to forget about everyone else around her. Karrde looks quietly back at the woman, curiously. He also seems to be waiting for her answer. Slog snakes out the tongue once again to lap at the slobber his greyish beard has acquired during the conversation, "I trust.." he says, plopping yet another morsel into his wide mouth, " bodyguard." he eyes Karrde, "..but you seem like an honest human." a burst of noise erupts from him, throaty and deep in bass ref, " -do- know what would happen if you double crossed me.." Again his tone is indifferent, and consciously so. Karrde blinks, turning to the Hutt. "Of course, Your Excellency," he answers. "Is thirty acceptable for the service you require?" With a face as impassive as a solid wall of stone, Mara leans back, eyes still on Karrde and raises a hand in a vague gesture towards the Hutt. She continues to watch him, herself betraying no emotion, and says toward Slog, "My sources may have been mistaken." She leans back against the wall again, frowning vaguely to herself. Slog eyes Elysia orangely, his voice turning professional, "Ergmmmg.. Bola nar galsha.." he asks heartily. Elysia purses her lips slightly but makes no other visible expression as she draws the datapad up, activating it again with just a slight motion of her slender fingers, "We were looking more along the lines of twenty four or twenty five." Karrde considers, seriously, musing, "I'm afraid extra precautions would have to be taken, given the cargo and the obstacles." He shakes his head, more in respectful apprecation of the risks than a negative, certainly. "I'm afraid I can't go much lower than twenty-eight." Slog waves a stubby hand, leaning toward Elysia again, "Gar noka.. ermmmmgg" he nods, "Dola Shal." he says in finality. Elysia's expression tightens a degree at Karrde; at the rumblings of the Hutt, however, she shifts her glance to Slog and offers a short nod to him before stating to Karrde, "Twenty eight it is, then." Karrde nods his agreement, saying, "Very well then. If you have details of the shipment, I can give you a means of getting it to me, though not here. Is that acceptable?" He directs this to the Hutt, though his gaze strays to Jade, his expression a question unvoiced, briefly. Elysia states casually in a professional tone not marred by emotion, "There are some details we need to discuss at this time regarding the shipment.." Slog's heavy lids fall to mid-orangish eye. A long grunt emanating from him. His tail swishes back and forth, letting his business manager work out the details.. after all, he -is- the most fabulous Hutt in existence.. He's chosen the best people.. he's managed his contacts.. All if well with the world.. Now if only the employees of this wretched tavern would refill the food plates..Ermmmgg. Mara_Jade stares at Slog incredulously. "Just like that, huh? What are you senile? I know you have brains somewhere in that vile body of yours!" She moves like lightning to a position right beside Karrde and points her blaster into his ear. "I guess you don't mind having scum take off with your merchandise, but I have a little more intelligence than that!" she yells at the Hutt. Slog's eyes pop open as if he had been shocked out of sleep. They flick one way or the next, finally resting on Mara's form. Rattling off a Huttese curse, he waves his stubby arms back and forth saying something toward Elysia.. "Rada nol Tah!" A rumble as the tail increases it's rate of swishing. Karrde tenses, surise quickly replaced by a firmly held patience as his friend half rises with a "Now wait...!" before he freezes, eyeing the weapon his his boss's ear. Mara_Jade keeps herself just out of Karrde's reach and raises the blaster to point at the younger man as well. "You wait," she growls and motions for him to sit back down. Elysia snaps a hissing comment to her associate, using the most emotion she's displayed during the entire meeting, "Mara, back off of him." The other man at Karrde's table raises both hands, one slower than the other; he wouldn't have been going for his weapon, now would he? Karrde's voice is even, though firm, the sort one would use with jittery and violent animals, "You have a reason, Mara?" Mara_Jade moves back only the slightest fraction, keeping her blaster trained on the two human men, and lobs a question towards Elysia, "So you've lost it too? What is wrong with you both? There is a distinct possibility that this guy cost you thousands of credit in cargo and you just want to give him more...No questions asked?" She ignores Karrde's protests. Slog continues his wide-eyed roaring at this turn of events. "Gol chocka Mara! Mara!" he rattles off, visibly stirred by this public show of violence.. especially with -him- present. After all, what will his other contacts think if they saw this display from the Hutt's employees?? They'd laugh at him, that's what they'd do.. and they'd stop doing business with him because he can't control his people. He snaps at Elysia, "Droga Nah!" Elysia turns a fiery gaze on Mara and growls out in a low tone audible only to the table's occupants, "Mara, dammit, stop this -now-. This isn't the time or place." Karrde keeps his attention on Mara; he's not moved in his seat since the flurry of movement from the woman, but, like the man next to him, he seems ready to change his immobility if possible. Mara_Jade glowers back at Elysia but reluctantly lowers her blaster, still keeping it grasped tightly in her hand. She whispers angrily in hers and the Hutt's direction. "I suppose the right time would be after he's taken off with the shipment and you have to pay a bounty hunter to get him back. You're a fool, Slog." Regardless, she backs up against the wall in her former position and the blaster dissappears again. Slog rumbles noisily, his gaze flickering on Mara for awhile, content to deal with this little outburst -later-.. when they're alone and he can do with her as he pleases. He composes himself muttering, "Elysia.. the arrangements.." another glare toward Mara. Mara_Jade rolls her eyes at Slog, apparently thinking of arrangements of her own. Karrde relaxes a fraction, even if his friend does not, and flicks a look to the Hutt without moving his head. He remains silent a moment, watching the Hutt's reactions before turning his attention to Elysia. Elysia exhales a breath and her expression slips back into one of a businesslike nature. She keys up a file on her datapad and takes a step closer to Karrde, speaking in low tones to ensure privacy of the details as she fills the man in on the finer points of the business adventure he's accepted. Karrde adopts a similar expression, murmuring a question or two and finally nodding and sitting back. He glances at his companion, the first time since the threesome arrived, and gives the man an encouragingly wry smile. The younger man relaxes, grudgingly. As Karrde and Elysia finish working out the finer details, Elysia moves back to her position somewhat near Slog and gives the Hutt a nod that implies everything's been taken care of. Slog slurps at the now empty plate before dropping it heavily to the table. He bellows out something fiendish in Elysia's direction, eyeing Karrde orangely. "Nell gota, dro shuuda-nal." He then snorts. Karrde sits back after the quiet negotiations with Elysia, including Jade in his field of vision as he watches the Hutt. His manner, quite casual before, as taken more of an intent patience, as of a man finding himself on more uneven footing than first appeared. Elysia pauses and glances back down to the datafile on her pad, then she comments quietly to Karrde, "There is one other detail. The spice is currently on an Imperial ship in the Du'lax system. You'll have to procure it from them before making the delivery." Mara_Jade grins smugly and waits for Karrde's reaction. Karrde's friend momentarily gapes. Karrde himself watches the Hutt a moment before saying evenly, "That's hardly would I would term 'Imperial trouble', Your Excellency." Slog licks at his lower lip cautiously before replying, "That is the situation.. I presume that professionals such as yourself are capable of completing the task as arranged?" he says smugly. Karrde shrugs minutely. "Professional pirates, perhaps," he observes, "Though I take it from the earlier outburst, Your Excellency has...issues with such elements." Mara_Jade mutters something that sounds like, "You would know..." under her breath. Slog gurgles, "We -have- had trouble with thieves yes.." he says disdainfully. Karrde remarks with a smile, "I have friends with different interests in methods, perhaps. I could recommend someone reliable who would suit the conditions of this shipment." Dry, oh yes, and even more fo on the last word. The man next to Karrde remains still, eyes on Jade for the most part. Mara_Jade notices the young one watching her and winks. It did _not_ appear to be a friendly gesture. Slog scowls, although the expression is lost amid folds of flesh on his face, "Are you refusing my offer of employment Karrde?" Karrde replies, "Not quite, Your Excellency. I believe you have a very serious concern for a job well done, and think I could be of service to you in achieving that. To spurn your offer would dishonor you, of course, but to waste your time in sifting through the chafe would be an even worse crime. Wouldn't you agree?" Slog replies indifferently, "Yes. But I do no know this other person you speak of.. and if you are expecting a finders fee, you can forget it Karrde." he belches at that, swishing his tail into the table, so that the glasses rattle. Karrde smiles, shaking his head. "I did not offer with that payment in mind. Business is also who know, and I imagine that I could serve you as an able guide in that. If you so choose not to trust my contacts, that is Your Excellency's wish, of course." Slog glances toward Mara and then Elysia, pondering this for quite sometime as Hutts are apt to do, he stares back plainly at Karrde, little movement coming from him other than the gentle swish of his tail and occasional smacking of his lips in thought. "I believe that you may be dangerous Karrde.." his eyes roving toward Mara as he says it, then wandering back half-lidded. "..but not to me. At least not anytime soon.." again another lengthy pause and a rumbling addition, "Set a meeting. If your associate impresses me, it may very well be lucrative for you all.." Karrde inclines his head. "Very well. At your convienence." -- end --