Welcome to Katie Dot's Guestbook!

Krissy - 12/08/00 20:43:11
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/ScullyX911/KristensTinyXFiles
My Email:[email protected]

Great Site!!

Mya - 11/23/00 02:52:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/assoholics_anonymous
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Brendan naked...

I just couldn't resist passing this on. Brendan happens to be the close personal friend of a bass player by the name of Brad Merritt, who plays for a Canadian band named 54*40. Mr. Merritt invented a means to keep his french press coffee hot by wrapping t with a thermal "Decent Coffee Cozy". In a somewhat humourous manner, Mr. Merritt asked Brendan to star in a mocked commercial for the Cozy, which aired on "Much Music" (A Canadian MTV-like station). The interesting part was that Brendan was in fact: sta k naked, on Wreck Beach in Vancouver, spitting out luke-warm coffee. You'd be amazed how much you *can* see in this little promo. I had the opportunity to meet the man last week at a 54*40 show, and we laughed over the legacy of Pendrell, and the whole de l. I'm still looking for someone who managed to tape the show, if I find it, I'll have it available on my web-site. Cheers!

angie - 11/07/00 00:41:55
My Email:hreed1@home

i loved your shipper pics, I am also an x file addict. I love Scully, I think she is such a bright character ! I want to see them together so bad but the tension is what does keep you watching besides being such a great show. Everything about it is done o well. I'll visit again.

prithwis - 10/28/00 14:24:30
My URL:http://www.yantrajaal.com
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: your article on the space colony

read through your very nice article .. very well written. like you i share the idea that the time will come when we have to leave the earth ... not because the earth is bad ... but because planet earth is sick and the disease is man ... two issues where i have a different perspective : a) i see that you prefer a space station to a planetary habitat ... somehow i feel that the space station is claustrophobic ... i would prefer the wide open spaces .... i am sure that you are aware of "terra-engineering" ... if not do a google search on t b) secondly ... while it is wonderful to explore the external world ... there might be a far more interesting and complex "inner" world ... that should be looked at ... deep into the human mind, consciousness and the soul ... not merely GOD, that is a ver cheap concept, but far more deeper ... the Universal Consciousness

jen - 08/23/00 17:31:46

miss u

michelle - 07/06/00 21:12:49
My Email:mitchblue@yahoo,co,uk
Regarding: like everything

i am a big x file fan i love everything about the show but i would really like 2 speak 2 someone as sceptical as me!!!!!!!!!!

dks916 - 06/15/00 03:26:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dks916
My Email:[email protected]

great site! keep up the good work.

Jane Bond - 05/31/00 14:40:04
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: your surveys

Your surveys kick @ss! I luv hearing what other people think! You should post a "who's the father of Scully's baby" survey...that would be interesting

Ellen Frazier - 05/24/00 19:17:39
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: I like your page!!

I love The X-Files!!! And I love talking about them, so e-mail me any time you want to swoon over shippy Mulder & Scully moments!!! Oh, who do you think got Scully pregnant??

ron - 05/14/00 08:06:21
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: site visit

Hi Katie, I was just browesing,my Neish name and it led me to your site,not interested in space just the Clan Neish. Regards, Ron Neish

Kathleen - 05/12/00 00:09:57
My URL:http://foxluvsdana.tripod.com
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: This webpage I spose...

Just wanted to say great page! I love the title, of course I am from the Okanagan, so I naturally would! X-Files rule!

Get Paid to Surf - 03/22/00 22:07:24
My URL:http://www5.ewebcity.com/zolrak/internacional.htm

This this is great. My congratulations!!!

micah - 03/15/00 19:03:17
My URL:http://www.refmaker.com/members/micahtx.shtml

this is agreat site!!!

Kate (Luv2DD) - 02/29/00 03:08:30
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Website

Hi. Love your site! It's really cool. Do you still live in BC? I live in Tappen, BC. Just outside of Salmon Arm in the Okanagan. I used to live in Vancouver, but was forced to move to the boonies when I was 9. I guess it could be worse, but I can't wait t ll I can get back to Vancouver for college and acting school. I am currently thinking about going to The William B. Davis(aka CSM) Center for the Actor's Study in Gastown. What do you think? Well anyway. Have a nice day. :)

Alicia Kozicki - 02/28/00 01:48:36
My Email:[email protected]

Katie, I just wanted to let you know this is the first time second time I have been in your sight, or web page. I am helping my grandchild to come up with a 3-5 minute speech on a manned colony. I find the information in you sight not only informative, ut exciting. Thanks!

Trinity - 02/17/00 03:01:24
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Pictures!!!

Help me! The one thing I couldn't find on your site is pictures from The Amazing Maleeni. Do you have any pictures of Billy Labonge (Maleeni's partner) If so, email them to me! Thanx!

Sarah (Squall) - 02/10/00 03:19:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/5875
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I know I've signed your guestbook before, but that was probably about 2 years ago, so I thought I'd renew the favour :-) Just wanted to say again that I love your page! I visit quite often. Your spoilers are great, and from one episode review writer to an ther, I think your reviews are fantastic :-) Keep up the great work! CANADA ROCKS! (I hail from Toronto). Later!

Lisa - 01/21/00 22:56:27
My Email:[email protected]

This is the best X-Files site I've been to in a while and I LOVE the Pendrell section. I miss him so much!

JACKIE LAU - 01/09/00 21:10:57
My Email:[email protected]


Rachael - 01/08/00 06:21:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Matrix/2733/Home.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: what?

I sware I've signed this before but I looked at it and my name wasn't there. Oh well.

aurora - 01/02/00 00:52:29
My Email:[email protected]

great site!

Rob - 10/31/99 20:04:17
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Your web site

Hi, Katie! Over here in Britain we're ages behind the US transmission on the X-Files - most of us haven't seen season six yet! So I really enjoy checking out your pages on the series, and finding news on season seven. Congratulations on a great site! :-)

Rachelle - 10/30/99 23:49:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/elekarsedai/
My Email:[email protected]

I found a link to your site on the Area 51's contest winner's page. And I'm glad I did. I must say I'm impressed with your space colony. What a fantasic idea! Here's to the future!

Looser - 10/23/99 08:18:22
My URL:http://ulooser.cjb.net


hannah sinclair - 10/22/99 13:37:17
Regarding: iss99

hey Katie!! cool web site. you haven't e-mailed me for about a month. please write soon cos i miss y'all!!

katie - 10/22/99 12:48:19
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: x files

Great stuff Katie Dot Com! You've obviously put some effort into this x files site. Katie Australi

Jesse S. - 10/14/99 01:13:33
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: phat site!!

nice site...usefull links too! nice!

??????????? - 10/08/99 16:18:44
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: ???

We all let you get all those awards. So your welcome j i a a z n z k y i s n a g n g h e r a

matt - 10/07/99 18:27:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/5178
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: season premier

what's the deal with the season premier??? when is it going to air? last season ended with a possible link between biblical history and the alien colonists...i cant wait to see the conclusion of that...any thoughts on the matter???

tomppa - 09/29/99 09:31:27
My Email:[email protected]

Cool page...

Zig Theos - 09/27/99 23:42:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in2/apod/ship.html

Just following and connecting the dots

PodShip Nebulosity Nex-Perplexus

Candyman - 09/27/99 23:40:34
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/games/candyman2/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Hello

Hello, I really enjoyed surfing your site, mine isn't as nice but I hope to have it as nice as yours someday.

suzanne - 09/02/99 17:32:27
My URL:http://home.hccnet.nl/m.vdpluijm
My Email:[email protected]

Hallo Katie Mooie pagina, veel informatie op te vinden. Dag suzanne

Tricia - 08/23/99 22:15:04

Hello Katie! Wow I didn't know you had a huge X-file page! It's pretty cool even though I never really watched it. Take care! Bye Bye!

Kate Neville - 08/16/99 18:09:47
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: ISS 99!

Great page Katie - didn't know you were a bit of an X files fan! my parents live for that program. Anyway, start writing to the rest of us ISS students because we haven't heard from you! Love Kate xxx

Mar�a Lago - 08/12/99 09:38:24
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: ISS

Hey Katie!!! This is Mar�a from Spain(ISS�99) I liked very much your page. Now you can add one more thing: our trip (I wish you�ve enjoyed as much as I did)Love, MAR�A PS. Don�t stop smiling :)

Greg Drayer - 08/11/99 14:36:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/gdrayer
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Katie!!! This is Greg from Venezuela from the ISS 1999!! Great to see your webpage! Congratulations!! Now I would like to invite you to mine. Please sign the Guest book too. Love, GREG

ashton - 08/11/99 01:02:13
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: iss

hey katie ash here from iss. just looking!

Snark - 07/30/99 13:44:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~koosn/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: page in general

Hey Katie Dot, nice page you've got here. Lots of good information, nice layout, some unique features (such as the 'you've been here this many times' at the top). Thanks!

kim in suk - 07/20/99 15:37:35
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: x-files


Jen Vallance - 07/09/99 06:21:11
My Email:gingerchutney
Regarding: eerrrrgh

I just read my comment and it sounded creepy so here's another one. I really like your site and I love the X-Files! I will come again. (that was better)

Jen Vallance - 07/09/99 06:11:50
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: katiekatiekatie

I think your web page is superkeen and you're a superfoxy chick! RRrrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrr.

Alisha - 07/09/99 02:47:36
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/alishasworld05/alishasworld05.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Tight Page


Alyshia Rose - 07/05/99 21:52:05
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: mulder and scully

I love them. Gillian is my idal and David is hot!!!! Write me peoples about facts and with pictures of them. Thanks!!! Alyshia Rose

Julia Pope - 07/03/99 02:46:07
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Katie's Niche market ( sorry i couldn't help myself)

Hi katie Great site. I'm still pokin' around so I can't rank it but as far as you are concered you score a 12 out of 10 on the babe-o-meter. Sorry again. i drive a pacer and watch too much waynes world. goodbye!!!!!!!!

Terminus Morph a.k.a. Random - 06/27/99 22:36:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/LaunchPad/5688
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: the final frontier

Cool page. It is obvious that you are infatuated with the possibility of human existence beyond our small biosphere, as am I. Ever read "The Case for Mars", by Robert Zubrin? If not, you might find it of interest. �We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.� T.S. Eliot Cheers! random

jazzy - 06/14/99 17:00:38
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: comments

this is a pretty good site, but i could make a better one

Kristen - 06/12/99 00:24:57
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: kewl

X-Files Rock

Phil - 05/24/99 00:24:29
My Email:[email protected]

Just checking, but I'll be back.

Jack Steeves - 05/21/99 01:57:13
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: just looking

very interesting did you go to UBC

Leticia - 04/18/99 12:26:14
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Katie! 'just seen your poems...i loved the pendrell one!

X-girl(colleen) - 04/10/99 20:23:45
My URL:http://www.geociticies.com/Tokyo/Shrine/6291
My Email:[email protected]

I like x-files, But i LOVE your site!!!!!!! ---> your site is 1 of my bookmarks!^_^

Nikki - 04/09/99 23:30:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~angelas98/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Whatever............

Hey there. I'm just dropping by. I like your pages, they're really great. You obviously put a lot of time into them. Take care. Bye Bye. Come and visit my site if you get the time. ~~~Nikki

Shannon - 04/09/99 04:09:56
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: This cool site...

I've visited this site a number of times now, and it's really interesting. Keep up the good work, Katie!

tech - 04/08/99 21:01:56
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: 6x17 trevor

Cast update. Jeffrey Schoeny plays Trevor it has been posted that Christopher Dahlburg plays Trevor, he instead plays the Trooper. Great ep. the boy will be one to watch for. rumor is rob bowman thought he was great.

Shannon - 03/28/99 01:50:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/6425
My Email:[email protected]

Congratuation on your fascinating web page!! It's full of so much stuff, I took the time to go through most of it. Great work on your projects too, they're fantastic!

Ashley - 03/26/99 06:29:20
My Email:[email protected]

Great site!

Jim T. - 03/20/99 21:36:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/2278/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Melinda Clarke

Great website! Keep up the good work! If you get a chance, please visit my website on Melinda Clarke, and sign the guestbook. Thanks!

Elizabeth Walsh - 03/12/99 23:25:16
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Fan-Fics

If you ever recieve a really great Fan-Fic will you please send it to me? Thanks!!

M�xXimum~M�ddness - 03/11/99 04:52:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/MaxximumMaddness
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Ummm...I dunno?

Cool place you got here!

Elisabetta - 03/08/99 16:03:55
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, katie! You're great!

joel - 03/01/99 19:24:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/stiking
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: tiada

Informative site you have about space. Like it very much. Spend your time to visit mine.

Todd Young - 02/20/99 16:03:24
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~durham/
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: X-Files Page

Hi Katie: As I said in my e-mail...great site! You probably know as well as I do that you never really finish the work...there's always something to be fixed or added! Feel free to drop over and visit my site when you have time! Regards, Todd Young

Jon "SKILLS" - 02/13/99 04:02:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/jcaldw/skills.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Me


click here!!!!!

Anastasia - 02/12/99 08:58:30
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Just a simple hello.

HI! Me again.Love your page!Love the X-files.Love it all.Keep up the good work!!! Anastasia

Kurt Krawford - 01/25/99 12:11:16
My URL:http://come.to/www.unrestrictedaccess.net
My Email:[email protected]

Hey, nice web site.Please check out my site and sign my guest book :-)

Andy - 01/19/99 23:05:34
My URL:http://andy.gaucher.com/x-files.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Just dropped by to say hi and I like the site! plenty to do and read... :o) I'm still working on mine (just started one after thinking about it too long)... visit if you get the chance. Gray's Welcome.

Anasazi - 01/12/99 13:38:36
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Just a simple hello....

HI! Just wanted to say that you've done a GREAT job on the page!! It's my favourite :) take care/anasazi

Jeff Burden - 01/01/99 23:52:37
My URL:http://move.to/theXfiles.com
My Email:[email protected]

You got an awesome Page.

Jassen L. Bowman - 12/29/98 05:57:52
My URL:http://www.lunartech.net
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Space site

Very nicely done space site and great concepts for space colonies. I'm a long time space enthusiast and I recently founded my own company, Lunar Technologies, Inc., to pursue my dream of asteroid and lunar mining, which I believe is the key to building a future in space. Keep up the good work!

Katie Kump - 12/21/98 23:16:13
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: I like your web page

I just lost a really close friend of mine and i thought you having that song on there was the bomb! THANKS Katie Kump

Tina - 12/14/98 22:47:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/myXfiles/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

I luv This page, it's one of the best pages that I've been to in a long time. I look forward to coming back often. Keep Up the good work. (Trust no 1)

Shymn Hymn - 12/05/98 17:15:09
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Your Awesome Page!!!

Hey! Are you the same Katie that's doing TXF newsletter? If you're not, then email me, if you want info. on that! It's an awesome newsletter! Just like your website! I love it! It's too cool! Please keep on adding to it! For all of us philes out there! By the way, I'm a finishipper! So I don't mind hearing the shipper stuff-in fact I love it! Except I'd rather see it happen more gradually that most shippers do! That's the whole exitement and o iginal part of TXF! So, keep up the great work! And I'll stop commenting now...lol...Thanx.

Justin - 11/25/98 18:48:55
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Your wacky page

I think your page is weird and you are obsessed with the X-files. It is pretty cool. from justin

Katie - 11/20/98 00:29:18
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: :)

I really like your page! Very groovy!

Jess - 11/07/98 07:10:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1181
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: your site

What a fantastic site! It's well thought out and well designed. I loved it. Keep up the good work (and check out my site, if you can)!

anasazi - 11/02/98 07:30:16
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Katie! Yeah,I luv your page.I haven't got a homepage myself,maybe in the future.Anyway,yours is great! i just need a new Shipper-survey.(or how you spell it,I'm Russian you know.) /Anasazi

Jo�o Giordani Neto - 10/16/98 00:06:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Orion/2835
My Email:[email protected]

No coments! Is very good page! Your banner is in my page ok "Links"

Audrey - 10/05/98 21:49:05
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: X-Files page

Great page! I've put it in my fav places folder. I really like the 'Shipper section.

Erin - 09/24/98 22:22:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/3634/
My Email:[email protected]

Hiya! Too cool site! :) Keep up the great work!

Cindy - 09/17/98 23:00:50
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]

Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Bruce - 09/13/98 03:24:09
My URL:http://www2.vip.net/~bcox/myhome.html
My Email:[email protected]

Well done Katie. For the X-Files fans it's great.

unknown - 09/09/98 20:02:08
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: Spooky

Fox Mulder and Scully have to kiss! It's not funny anymore...it has to happen. Hey, I'd kiss him if I was her. I'd do more. Anyway, cool site. Bye.

Anastasia Nylund - 09/05/98 10:57:47
My Email:[email protected]

Really love your site!!!Especially the X-files part.Saw Fight the Future yesterday.I cried.Great site anyway.Keep up the good work!

Ashley - 08/24/98 18:09:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/FoxSolo4/XFunderworld.html
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: um... hello

great page!! it really rocks

click here!! X-Files rules!

Meghann - 08/12/98 06:59:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/4725
My Email:[email protected]

Cool Page Katie, I'll come back again:)

Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 21:53:23
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Jenny - 05/22/98 04:19:33
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Katie! Sorry I haven't written you in so long, I'm super busy with everything possible!! I promise I'll write you soon though. Take Care! (and awesome page as always)

kurt - 05/05/98 19:41:29
My Email:[email protected]

nice page...

Adrian St.Onge - 05/03/98 12:48:47
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/output/index.html
My Email:[email protected] or [email protected]
Regarding: Just wanted to say Hi.

HI! Great site... my page is not about X-Files but it does have a few links to some anti-gravity sites... :) It's also great to see some one from the okanogan with a site like this.. Bye, Adrian

My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz/locksmithamw/
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: hi

Just to say hi! Paul.

Katie Dot - 04/24/98 20:28:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/8434/
My Email:[email protected]
Regarding: The first entry

Hi everyone! I'd love to hear any comments, suggestions, or questions you have about my webpage, or if you just want to say Hi! that's fine too!

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