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Nichelle Nichols


Nichelle Nichols was born on December 29, 1936 Before playing Lt. Uhura on Star Trek, she sang and danced with Duke Ellington's band. After Star Trek, she founded a women-run educational production company, Women in Motion, and spearheaded NASA's first minority and female astronaut recruitment drive. She's had theater roles in Porgy and Bess and Anthony and Cleopatra. She appeared on tv in: The D.A., The Lieutenant, and Ironsides. She's in the first six Star Trek movies, in Doctor, You've Got To Be Kidding, and in Truck Turner.



Lt Uhura helped Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy, and Scotty return from a parallel universe in Mirror, Mirror, rebels against the thrall collars in Gamesters of Triskillion, brings a gift tribble aboard ine Enterprise in The Trouble With Tribbles, helps defeat the adroids who want to take over the universe in I Mudd. She was also the first to realize that the sunworshippersin Bread and Circuses were like our early Christians. She gave Captain Kirk tv's first interracial kiss in Plato's Stepchildren.



uhura4.jpgLt Uhura saves the Enterprise by leading an all-female crew against the Taurean women who were killing the men in the animated episode Lorelei Signal.

For my reviews of five Star Trek books feature Lt Uhura click here.




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Write to Nichelle Nichols at

14710 Arminto St

Van Nuys, CA 91402



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