The Hexfield Viewscreen

Quote of the moment:
Gypsy: Boys!

(From Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie)

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Oh hi, welcome to the Satellite of Love. We're having our arts chautauqua today and Crow's about to premiere his new one-man show, Robot on the Run...

*Commercial sign in 15 seconds...*

Thanks, Magic Voice. As you can see, it's a little wild around here. We're getting an incoming message from Mrs. Forrester, and Gypsy's having a little trouble holding everything together. So, why don't you and Cambot head through those six doors over there, take a seat in the front row of the theater, and check out the links to the left of the hexfield.

*Commercial sign in 5...4...3...2...Commercial sign now.*

-- Heather, MSTie #62809

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Keep circulating the tapes
Mystery Science Theater 3000 and all its characters are property of Best Brains, Inc.
"The Hexfield Viewscreen"� was created by Heather "Magic Voice" (Holder) Stringfellow, 1997
Hosted by