Grey's Art - '97 to '99

Created by; Grey-Dragon Last Updated on:  1-19-1999

    Archives from 1997, 1998, and 1999. Each section contains information about my art, the art itself, and descriptions of the art. 1999 has just begun so more will be added.  As for 1997 and 1998, art will be added as soon as I can get my archives off of my zipdisks.. I've allways wonted to create enough art to post them on a page, so here's what I've done. My other concept page failed cause I had no time to work on the immense project, and my friends did not help as they said ther would, but thats ok, this should be better since I can work on it.. -- I have started listing the files according to the date of completion.. 

   Please enjoy, but do not post on any page without asking me first. I love to hear any comments or suggestions, so please do email me at [email protected], or via ICQ: 1968813

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Page created January 14th 1999 - The original page, GreyDragon's Lair was created July 27th 1997

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