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Lady Besu's Cato Tree of Glee

You are visitor number since December 26, 1996.

Welcome to the Tree! ^_^ I am Lady Besu, caretaker of this web site. Unfortunately, the former maintainer of this site, Lady Paladin, did NOT maintain it very well... so you will undoubtedly come across some cobwebs and dust bunnies here and there. 'Course, I won't get to update all that often, either, but I want the Tree to be half-way decent. ^^

Hello! There's some life in the ol' Tree yet. I need to do some major renovations to the site (i.e., the FFML section is obsolete since I've been inactive on that list for over a year.) I also have plans in store for expanding my Dragon Quest area. I need someplace to show off my slime collection, afterall. ^-^ (6-18-01)

The Art Gallery
The BookStore
The Art Gallery has an excellent selection of Final Fantasy IV official Squaresoft artwork, as well as a fantastic Dragon Quest gallery.
The BookStore is a special way to get to! Look at my book recommendations, go to the home page, or search Amazon... all at the this one page.
A little page all about the infamous Final Fantasy Mailing List, telling you where to join and linking to other list member's home pages.
You want to leave the Tree? -_- Well, visit the links to see some of my favorite places to visit... but please visit here again!

All about the history of the Tree
All about the Tree of Glee... why it is here still, and the history of the page. It has an FAQ and contact info.

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This page last updated on Monday, June 18th, 2001.

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