Dragon Slayer


James T. VanHecke

Hiding within the edges of the forest, I peer...
Questing for the greatest of the winged beasts...
My heart in my throat, the dragon draws near...
Carefully I tread. Tonight shall bring feasts...

I part branches and peek through the brush...
Jaws with ivory teeth, shimmering gold scales...
I retreat softly...SNAP! I duck in a rush...
Leaning back, I close my eyes- my face pales...

Thump, Thump- my heart begins to pound...
I peer into the clearing and dive to the side...
Claws slash a tree, a loud crackling sound...
I bound away, adrenaline flowing inside...

Circling, I remove my sword from its scabbard...
Her tail whips about, spinning at my chest...
I block with a shield, thrusting my habbard...
Thrusting and jabbing, I attack with my best...

Downward arc, she rips through my shoulder...
Frantically I stab, pain searing through me...
Exhausted, I falter- her assault becomes bolder...
With a swing of her tail, I crash into a tree...

Slumping to the ground, I look up in a daze...
Bewildered, I become entranced by fiery gold eyes...
My breath comes in gasps; I slip into a haze...
Crumpling, I stare aimlessly at the fading skies...

CRUNCH! There goes my head...
MUNCH! Morsels of me, delightful treat...
The mighty dragon's now been fed...
All that remains are my size-10 feet...

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