Hi. This is Jellybaby. Read on!

Steve - 12/12/00 22:18:26
My URL:http:www.loudoun.k12.va.us
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: (Tie) Bradbury & Heinlein
Your favorite book: Martian Chronicals & Red Planet
Your favorite short story or poem: "Then Will Come Soft Rain"
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Olney, Maryland work in Loudoun Co. Schools
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: (Tie) Forgotten Planet & THe Day the Earth Stood Still
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Trekker (since the begining)
Extremly nice web sight. I will submit to you some of my poetry. I am president of the "Washington Writers League", it has been a writers group since 1917. I will tell the members of the group about this wonderful writers sight. Regards, SWH

Cathy - 12/08/00 23:20:52
My Email:-------------------------------------
Your favorite writer: J.K.Rowling
Your favorite book: Harry Potter
Your favorite short story or poem: my own stuff
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: -------------------------------------
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Cool site.

Cory - 11/29/00 19:49:43
My Email:i dont really want to say
Your favorite writer: Howard Lovecraft
Your favorite book: Horror In The Museum
Your favorite short story or poem: The Green Meadow
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): U.S.A.
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
I thought your site was kewl. I really enjoyed the garden of concepts.

Werewolf - 11/29/00 00:59:43
My Email:cant telll
Your favorite writer: Kevin J. Anderson
Your favorite book: Any Star Wars book
Your favorite short story or poem: dont really know...like a lot
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): illinois
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: STAR WARS!!!!!!!
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: sort of
I love your peoms on the website...please add more!!!!!!! :-)

A person - 11/28/00 23:23:37
My Email:yeah
Your favorite writer: Jim Morrison
Your favorite book: The Lords Of Karma
Your favorite short story or poem: Is Everybody In
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): I can't remeber
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Space Balls
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: What, oh star trek, no
I thought this site was pretty neat and good poetry although I am not really big on fantasy I enjoyed it

James - 11/28/00 23:11:00
My Email:none of your buisness
Your favorite writer: H.P. Lovecraft
Your favorite book: Rats In The Walls
Your favorite short story or poem: The Conquerer Worm
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Earth
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Pitch Black
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: NOOO!!!!!
My more than ate it

Laura Hofer - 11/12/00 19:11:53
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: I'm not sure...too many to little time!
Your favorite book: same as above...
Your favorite short story or poem: smae as above.... (I read too many different things to anwer these!)
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Ontario, Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: "The Matrix"
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Not really....
I love this site!! I nave been surfing around for fantasy poetry sites for a long time and haven't found and good ones... Untill now!! Thank a lot for this site!!

Dwellings Keeper - 11/12/00 07:07:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MoonMakerCavern/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: V.C. Andrews
Your favorite book: Seeds Of Yesterday
Your favorite short story or poem: Tiger Tiger by William Blake
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): on earth . . . i think
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: heard the new Final Fantasy movie was gonna be good
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: eh?
Good site. Some poems were okay, but most were outstanding.

tigger luv - 11/07/00 23:41:08
Your favorite book: As for Sci fi i love the chronicles by Lewis
Your favorite short story or poem: i love the poems on your website
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: can't say
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes every since like about 8
hey man i love your website and i can't wait to see what else you post.i'll be back if the Lord wills love tigger luv

KH - 10/16/00 22:10:58
Your favorite writer: C.S. Lewis
Your favorite book: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Your favorite short story or poem: The Cat in the Hat
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Ohio
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Back to the Future
This a great website!! I found some awesome poems to use for school. We have to do an analysis on three poems. He said no nursery rhymes! :) I got all of my poems from here. I'm going to tell my teacher about this sight.

"dana" - 10/08/00 22:14:54
Your favorite writer: adrienne rich
Your favorite book: watership down
Your favorite short story or poem: the cremation of sam magee
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): NY
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: secret of NIMH (really)
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: nope, sorry
really cool website, and i love the graphics and layout.

Moonlight - 10/06/00 04:51:54
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Robert Frost
Your favorite book: Don't have one
Your favorite short story or poem: Don't have one
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Ky
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Matrix
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
great poems

Robert Williams - 10/01/00 14:24:41
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: David Gemmall
Your favorite book: Legend
Your favorite short story or poem: Raven
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Mississippi
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: 2001 Space obessesy
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: neither
Agreat site! Long live this site! thank you for the wonderful peoms.

Kiara - 09/28/00 12:03:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: none
Your favorite book: into the land of the unicorns
Your favorite short story or poem: smart
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): new england
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Dragon heart,
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
this is a good sight. the peotry has a lot of heart in it. I don't write to much fantasy but if you'd like to see some of my poetry e-mail me at [email protected]

yustargazer - 09/13/00 04:07:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Isaac Asimov
Your favorite book: Cosmos
Your favorite short story or poem: There will come soft rains
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Vancouver
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: 2001: A Space Odyssey
I LOVE your web page! Great work!

earth angel - 08/28/00 22:13:54
Your favorite writer: Edgar Allen Poe
Your favorite book: Holes
Your favorite short story or poem: Dragon Slayer(from this site!)
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Houston, TX
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: A Mid-Summer Night's Dream
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Not Really, but my dad is a BIG one!
This site is great. Whenever I go looking for poetry, I always find dark, shadowy, depressing crap made up by mindless unhappy people. I like this site because you can read happy, sad and funny things, plus I like poetry(even though I suck at writing it)

Elizabeth - 08/07/00 00:43:17
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Heinlein
Your favorite book: Starship Troopers
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Central Florida
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Alien
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: No
Nice site!

Heidi - 07/31/00 06:04:57
i love your site!!!!!!! Add more links

Andrew Masters - 06/24/00 10:00:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/5384
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Philip K. Dick
Your favorite book: "Do androids dream of electric sheep?"
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): UK
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: "Blade Runner"
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: No
This is a cool web page! Please visit my web page and sign my guestbook! :-)

Faith - 06/21/00 20:20:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Loft/5122/main-page.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: dont have one
Your favorite book: Dont have one
Your favorite short story or poem: Crazy crazy Me by Kasey
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Cali
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: dont know
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: huh???
I love this site and keep up the good work!!!

Terry Sexton - 05/09/00 14:03:41
Your favorite writer: Stephen King
Your favorite book: Streetcar Named Desire
Your favorite short story or poem: don't know
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Alabama
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekker
I like the website. It is goood

mezzanova - 04/24/00 00:48:39
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: hunter s thompson
Your favorite book: catcher in the rye
Your favorite short story or poem: The Great Shark Hunt
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Montreal
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: the complete Aliens series
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: should i be???
there's alot of great writing out there, and i hope one day mine will be included in that list. so i'm thinking i will submit some of my works on here soon, and i hope i will get some feed back from those who read it: good or bad. thanks for this forum!!!

shirley - 04/17/00 01:43:10
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: steven king
Your favorite book: it
Your favorite short story or poem: soul taking river
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): southern,california
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: the never ending story 1-3
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no really either
well i love how this site looks and i like the poems placed on here. these people are very poetically charged. they inspire some of the hopes i have for cont. my writing.

Aimie - 04/09/00 15:06:48
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Joseph J. Harding III
Your favorite short story or poem: Dragon Wings
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Rhode Island
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: there's too many to choose just one!
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no, not really
I really loved the cite, you did a great job putting this together. It was cool.

Mother Comfort - 03/18/00 22:03:35
My URL:http://nav.to/MotherComfort1
My Email:[email protected]
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): USA
Nice site you have.

Ainjel - 03/11/00 06:46:50
My URL:www.gurlpages.com/me1/mango_kiwi14/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Frank Mc Court
Your favorite book: Angela's Ashes
Your favorite short story or poem: not sure
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Texas
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: X-Files: Fight the Future
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yep
Love the page! Love the poetry! Be sure to check out my page someday and sign my g-book 'kay? Later!

Curtis Miller - 02/09/00 15:56:54
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Isaac Asimov
Your favorite book: Jurassic Park
Your favorite short story or poem: Daughter of Regals
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Tulsa, Oklahoma
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Clash of the Titans
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Affirmative, regardless
Of course, very nicely done. Level of general sci-fi/fantasy flexibility is nice, too. Thanks for keeping the site suitable for children.

Harish T. Das - 02/08/00 12:43:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: william wordsworth
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: bf

- 02/08/00 03:22:24
I love almost anything to do with dragons!!

Pikachu! - 01/10/00 19:45:09
Your favorite writer: ?????????
Your favorite book: spellsinger
Your favorite short story or poem: the Raven
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): il
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: star wars
this is a great fantisypoem site

Rachel - 01/06/00 23:12:27
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: All are good
Your favorite book: Bible
Your favorite short story or poem: Too many
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Illinois
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Uh.....
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Nopers
Too cool of a page.

Aman - 01/03/00 19:10:29
Hey cool site, Love the poems.... Have a good one!!

Mary - 12/23/99 19:10:34
I enjoyed my visit, bye.

Serena Kelios - 12/11/99 15:40:46
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/serenas_dragonlair/serenas_dragonlair.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Tamora Pierce
Your favorite book: Alanna: the first adventure
Your favorite short story or poem: To hard to decide!
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Pern
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Starwars
Please visit my site, I,m just starting out and I could use all the critisim I can get. PS- now under construction.

Ammy Korn - 12/01/99 23:40:51
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: STEEVEN KING
Your favorite book: TOMMY KNOCKERS
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): OHIO
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: STAR WARS
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: NO WAY !!
THANKS For The Site Its Pretty COOL!

- 12/01/99 23:23:32

- 11/25/99 01:06:15

Alexander Parke - 11/24/99 09:23:39
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: John Marsden
Your favorite book: Tomorrow wwhen the war began
Your favorite short story or poem: ???
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Brisbane
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Starship Troopers
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: No

Alexander Parke - 11/24/99 09:23:28
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: John Marsden
Your favorite book: Tomorrow wwhen the war began
Your favorite short story or poem: ???
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Brisbane
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Starship Troopers
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: No

Alexander Parke - 11/24/99 09:22:04

Crazy A - 11/24/99 03:10:24
Your favorite writer: Robert Frost, William Shakespear, Stephen King
Your favorite book: The Outsiders
Your favorite short story or poem: There are too many to choose from
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Hicksville
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Crow (starring the 1 & only Brandon Lee)
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: nah, not really
I LOVE the site! THANX for taking the time to set this site up because I know it had to take some time & patience & you didn't have to do it, but you did & I'm grateful. I'm glad that i can come to your site & see all kinds of great work. Thanx To ALL! LottsaLovePeace&Happiness, Crazy A

jlh - 11/23/99 10:18:44
Your favorite writer: Robert Jordan
Your favorite book: Wheel Of Time Series
Your favorite short story or poem: The Phantom Fiddler
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Idaho
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Semi
Thank you for all the hard work you have done to create such a web site. I love all forms of peotry, but a rarely have the pleasure of going to the library or bookstore. Instead I find myself searching the web for sites such as these. Thank You!

Paul - 11/17/99 03:37:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/exit522
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: isaac asimov
Your favorite book: i robot
Your favorite short story or poem: cold equation
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: close encounter of the 3rd kind
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes a trekker, no uniform but I do speak a little klingon
hi there. thanks for providing this great page of poetry and prose for us sci-fi fans.

sheri - 11/16/99 22:20:02
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite book: Dragonhome
Your favorite short story or poem: The unicorn
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Missouri
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekkie
I really Like this place I just wish you could get more poems and stuff maybe a place where you can chat with other people. sheri

Tony Lowry - 11/11/99 02:17:56
Your favorite writer: Edgar Allan Poe
Your favorite book: Cujo
Your favorite short story or poem: 51st dragon
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): allen park,MI
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: any new vampire movie
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no way
jellybaby made doing a project for my 9nth grade english class a lot easier

max - 11/07/99 20:33:02
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: isaac asimov
Your favorite book: the bible
Your favorite short story or poem: the mist
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): some where out there
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: the day the earth stood still
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekker-what else?
My name is max and I'm new to the internet. I've been writing for quit some time and truely enjoy reading and writing science fiction. Your site is, shall we say-fasinating!

Carl James Johnson - 10/23/99 02:38:03
My URL:http://victoria.tc.ca/~yg256
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Dr. R.L. Forward
Your favorite book: Future Magic
Your favorite short story or poem: Spin Drive To The Starss
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Victoria, Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Alien
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: occasionally

JOE - 10/14/99 19:29:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/nerflight/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: don't know many
Your favorite book: subway art
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): ATLANTA BaBy
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: alice thru the looking glass
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
sup..just wanted to see your site....I love fantasy poetry...anyone with good links to erotica or fantasy sites feel free to e-mail me....also I'll exchange poetry with people....any way I got to go.....keep the blunts lit and your third eye open wide...g ve site to your words and words to your art.....ART IS NOT A CRIME...peace.

sheri baar - 10/07/99 13:18:19
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite book: Dragonhome
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): missouri
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: never ending story
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekkie

Lythande - 10/02/99 02:20:06
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Katherine Kurtz/Jeanne Kalogridis
Your favorite book: There are so many...
Your favorite short story or poem: The Lady Of Shalott
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: ST: the undiscovered country
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes, Yes, YES!!!
"qagh Sopbe'!" (Famous Klingon proverb. It's meaning is unclear, but litterally, it means: "He doesn't eat gagh!"

paige power - 09/17/99 15:49:20
My URL:http://www.geocities/EnchantedForest/Dell/3627
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: JRR Tolkien
Your favorite book: The Mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley_
Your favorite short story or poem: Doubt no more that Oberon....(Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): GA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Legend
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no=)
hey jellybaby! remember me? i just figured i'd drop you a line. page is still looking great. i'll send you some poetry later, okay? take care, paigie

Tiffany - 09/03/99 21:34:31
My Email:cbox7@yahoo
Your favorite writer: Will Shakesphere
Your favorite short story or poem: my own called why
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Central Utah

ellen - 08/25/99 09:43:46
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:my pal holly
yeah its pretty cool i'll be back

Whitewolf, Inc - 08/10/99 01:50:58
My URL:http://memebers.tripod.com/~wwdiecastcars
My Email:[email protected]
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): USA
I have really enjoyed my visit to your pages, altho I must apologize for the intrusion if in fact this turns out to be one, I am trying to advertise my family business, Whitewolf, INC. For now the majority of my pages are for the Die-Cast Metal Cars I sell but you can find a link at the bottom of the Die Cast page for the Graphics/Web Design portion of my business, in the near future there will be a page for the wood working that I do also. Please come visit.

"Cinderella" - 07/03/99 04:38:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/Romance69/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Danielle Steele
Your favorite book: Scottish Extacy
Your favorite short story or poem: Embers of the Soul
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Il, USA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: ST-First Contact
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: HECK YA
Great page! Couln'dt have done it better myself! I used to play in a sim game as the Chief Medical Officer and Second in Command. :-)

Sheri - 06/28/99 23:07:36
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Julie Garwood.Judith McNaught.Danielle Steel
Your favorite book: I have many!
Your favorite short story or poem: My favorite peom is one I wrote called My Best Friend!
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): CANADA ONTARIO
Okay Jellybaby I'll be nice. You have done a wonderful job on your web page. I love reading poems. So thank-you for placing them on the net for others like me to read.

Natalie Darnell - 06/17/99 21:01:56
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/generations
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: steinbeck
Your favorite book: east of eden
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): heart of dixie
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: star trek: the motion picture
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: of course
I love it. I love it. I love it. This web site is great. I commend your foresight in making this type of expression accessible to the general public. Keep it up.

Charlene LeBleu - 06/05/99 11:47:21
My Email:[email protected]
Hi! I'm just crusing through. I always like to stop here and catch my breath! Have a great & wonderful day! Charlene

Mouser - 05/16/99 15:56:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: J.R.R. Tolkien
Your favorite book: The Lord of The Rings
Your favorite short story or poem: haven't chosen
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): N.Y. of U.S.
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Matrix
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
I like reading the poems about fantasy that are made by these young adults. I love RPG's( Role Playing Games ).

diane - 05/09/99 20:02:05
Your favorite writer: poe
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): ont., canada
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes
what a glorious page to find, a treasure, i enjoyed each work throughly,thank you i will visit often.

Darla - 04/21/99 20:03:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/fortress
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Stephen Lawhead: www.stephenlawhead.com
Your favorite book: Arthur- by Stephen Lawhead
Your favorite short story or poem: Psalm 91 - from the Bible
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): USA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Last Unicorn, The Lord of the Rings
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Next Generation and Voyager
I am very new to the internet, and enjoyed your site. I think it's very cool that you want to keep it appropriate for all ages. I will visit often!

Linda Hwoarang - 04/12/99 15:28:47
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Kahlil Gibran
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Asia
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
I want to know more about poetry and I wanna learn about what people thinking from Poetry. I like to read a poet

bree - 04/07/99 03:50:56
My Email:emily dickenson
Your favorite book: Tiger eyes
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): CA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Contact

JESSICA BROWN - 03/31/99 04:40:14
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: JEASICA BROWN
Your favorite book: VALENTINE RABIT
Your favorite short story or poem: GUYS BREAK THINGS
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): CANADA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: EVER AFTER
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: TREKKER

Katherine Goss - 03/24/99 07:39:52
Your favorite writer: C.S Lewis
Your favorite book: Chornicles of Narnia
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Adelaide, Australia
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Fith Element
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Yes
This is a way cool site, I came here to do my homework - were doing an anthology with a theme and need some aquired poems but I just kept reading!

smashcot_999 - 03/13/99 23:41:05
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: na
Your favorite book: na
Your favorite short story or poem: na
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): ohio
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: na
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: hate star wars

Emily Jane - 03/10/99 13:04:21
Your favorite writer: Stephen King
Your favorite book: exquisite corpses by Poppy Z. Brite
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): North of England
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Bladerunner
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: not really, but my boyfriend is a HUGE Trekkie.
I love the poems on this site and no doubt I'll be back soon.

jane - 03/10/99 13:01:09

Ace - 02/17/99 19:28:14
Your favorite writer: Robert Frost
Your favorite book: Fools Die/ Mario Puzo
Your favorite short story or poem: Castles Made Of Sand/ Myself
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): PA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Psycho/ original by Robert Bloch
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: I like it but I'm hardly worthy of the title "Trekkie"
Your web site is awesome. I'm new to this website stuff but This is (so far) the best website I've been to. -Ace

Maya Attia - 02/15/99 20:41:27
My URL:http://hotmail.com
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Shel Silverstein
Your favorite book: A Light in the Attic
Your favorite short story or poem: Nose Garden
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): California
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Twlight Zone
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Wow! I love this website! Those poems are really cool! I've never seen anything so meaningful! I mean it to ok? I especially like thepoe about the embracing night...I really got the feeling that I was siting on a chair in the woods looking up through a ircle of trees...All who's tops are joined together...It was very flowy and lovley to think about..

Ray. Higbee - 02/10/99 00:44:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: MICHAEL CRICHTON
Your favorite book: JUARRSIC PARK
Your favorite short story or poem: I'M NOT SURE
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: YES

Jason - 02/10/99 00:08:49

Marq Payne - 02/05/99 00:00:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: david gemmell
Your favorite book: mmm...too hard!
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): canberra
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: return of the jedi
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no

Candy-6 - 02/04/99 22:56:25
Your favorite writer: Stephen King/Edger Guess
Your favorite book: Firestsrter
Your favorite short story or poem: Fate
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Small town
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Firestarter
Your site is pretty cool. I enjoyed "thumbing through" the poetry.

Adam Schell - 01/31/99 07:45:26
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: poetry -tennyson
Your favorite book: poetry- poems worth knowing
Your favorite short story or poem: Charge of the Ligh Brigade
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekker all the way (TNG right?)
I like to read lots of fantsy books and such. This site was nice

joshua adkisson - 01/28/99 15:44:47
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Edgar llen POe
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): LOuisiana
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars Trilogy
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes

Sandy/Tony - 01/12/99 02:56:39
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Stephen King
Your favorite book: Misery
Your favorite short story or poem: Murder in the rue morgue
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): South Carolina
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Stranded
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Tony said this is a real coooool site. We have enjoyed visiting with you. We are looking forward to reading more of your poems. Sandy

JAZMINE BANKS - 01/08/99 02:31:51
My Email:HT ZERO
Your favorite writer: BEVERLY CLEARY
Your favorite book: RAMONA THE GREAT
Your favorite short story or poem: LIFE DOSEN'T FRIGHTEN ME AT ALL
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): GEORGIA
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: HOINEY I SHRUNCK THE KIDS
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: NO

Tiffanie Turner - 01/08/99 02:26:32
Your favorite writer: BEVERLY CLEARY

- 01/02/99 04:33:15
My URL:http://www.access-isp.com
Location: USA

Hello, Happy New Year! Nice GuestBook! I f your in the need for internet access, please stop by and get UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS for JUST $13.95/mo!

Pyrothraxis - 12/19/98 22:28:17
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: R.A. Salvatore
Your favorite book: Streams of Silver
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Oklahoma
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Hobbit
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Hey these are great poems. Is there any chance that you could post some of mine?

jevn - 12/07/98 18:43:58
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Emily Dickinson
Your favorite book: secret garden
Your favorite short story or poem: i have so many
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): nj
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The neverending Story
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: im not

David Ekstrand - 11/29/98 12:26:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: There are thousands
Your favorite book: 1. The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2. The Mars Trilogy
Your favorite short story or poem: Dunno
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Uppsala, Sweden
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: No
Very cool site, there aren't many sci-fi/fantasy poetry sites on the Web, we need more!

- 11/13/98 16:59:06

Becky - 10/27/98 15:09:33
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: there's so many, how can i choose
Your favorite book: same as above
Your favorite short story or poem: ditto
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): earth
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: hmmm...Planet of the Apes (?) can u really choose just one?
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: use to be but no longer
I love your poetry site...very cool.

Erica - 10/27/98 02:44:20
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Robert Jordan/David Eddings
Your favorite book: The King and Raven
Your favorite short story or poem: I don't have one.
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Toronto, Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: STAR WARS!!!!!!!!
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: nope, sorry.
I really love this page! I sent it to my friends and they love it too! There are many thought provoking and wondreful poems here. Keep up the great work!

Gen Leigh - 10/24/98 21:46:39
Your favorite writer: not sure too many choices
Your favorite book: Kiss By an Angel
Your favorite short story or poem: A Warrior's Tale
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): usa
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Highlander Trilogy
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: nope
This site is great!! Keep the poetry coming!!!

Yohamster - 10/17/98 14:31:47
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: stephen donaldson
Your favorite book: Gormanghast
Your favorite short story or poem: The Daughter of Regals
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Chichester,England
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Forbidden Planet
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Make it so
Hi,Sassy and I have happened across your page..outstanding! We have adopted Mr Moose (to add to our collection of mooses)and will visit again once we have assimilated the contents...resistance is futile.

10/14/98 09:46:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Anna - 10/12/98 17:27:14
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: don't have one at the moment
Your favorite book: where the red fern grows and the lion the witch and the wardrobe
Your favorite short story or poem: dont have one right now
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): pennsylvania
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: the fifth element
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: neither
*hey this is a cool page. keep the new poetry coming. i love to hear what other people have to say and ususally you can understand the kind of person someone is by what and how they write.* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rob Roy - 09/30/98 02:37:45
My URL:http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/lithium/700/khatru.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: uhhhh....Dean Koontz/Peter Sinfield
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): NJ
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars Trilogy
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: not really
Very cool site you have here!! havent gotten to any reading yet, but am looking forward to it!! I will be coming back!! :)

Veronica Dickman - 09/29/98 00:51:43
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Dean Koontz
Your favorite book: Intensity
Your favorite short story or poem: This World
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Indiana
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Psycho
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: not really
I think your site was pretty cool. The poem that I said above was one that I wrote, so you wouldn't know it. keep up the awesome work!

Dani - 09/28/98 20:06:17
Your favorite writer: Tokien
Your favorite book: the hobbit
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: charlie and the choclate factory
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: and that would be...
very interesting even though i`m not really a huge fan or lover of poetry...never the less i truely enjoyed it excuse the terrible spelling i`m from quebec!!!!!!!

Gina - 09/25/98 12:32:10
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Ann Rice
Your favorite book: The Tale of the Body Theif
Your favorite short story or poem: personal poem
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Newfoundland,Canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Fifth Element
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: NO!
I like the poems that were on the web site but I think you should add a few love poems for us people who are in love and enjoying it.Thanx!

Sophie - 09/25/98 01:14:07
My Email:[email protected]
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Australia
cool site!

- 09/25/98 01:08:01

Red Jackson - 09/10/98 14:32:25
My Email:[email protected]
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): SD, USA
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Ran Across your website looking for Oral Interpretation poetry pieces. I found it very interesting! Thanks, Red

andy keel - 09/10/98 02:46:23
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: orson scott card
Your favorite book: enders game
Your favorite short story or poem: n/a
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): va
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: alien
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
hey thanx for putting up my verse.

ashley leymeister - 09/09/98 02:15:01
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: stephen king
Your favorite book: pet semetary
Your favorite short story or poem: dont drink and drive
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): pennsylvania
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: romeo and juliet
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no

Amanda Polk - 08/19/98 15:36:21
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Stephen King
Your favorite book: Hamlet
Your favorite short story or poem: How do I love thee?
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Maine
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: n/a

Amanda Polk - 08/19/98 15:35:56
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Stephen King
Your favorite book: Hamlet
Your favorite short story or poem: How do I love thee?
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Maine
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: n/a

Catina - 08/16/98 16:18:49
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: stephen king
Your favorite book: the juniper game
Your favorite short story or poem: --
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Florida
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: independence day
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: trekker
this site is terriffic, i love poetry, and i write tons of my own

Taigen - 08/05/98 16:02:55
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Shakespear
Your favorite book: Romeo & Juliette
Your favorite short story or poem: ?????????
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Idaho (whoopee!)
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: The Neverending Story
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: nope
this is a great sight.. seriously, i can get into it, you did good. peace

Corinne Gallegos - 07/27/98 22:59:53
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: none yet
Your favorite book: none yet
Your favorite short story or poem: soulmate
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): denver, co
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: yes
Today I was looking for some poetry on encourgement. My Soulmate is in Hartford, CT. Things seem bleek for him. I wasn't sucessful. Althought, I did find your page. I haven't had a chance yet to read it all yet. But, I will, it seems really cool. Bye for now. C

Andrea - 07/26/98 23:44:34
My Email:[email protected]
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): B.C.
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: undecided..starwars..?
I come through here all the time now, a few years ago I wrote some really good poems and I lost them all!!!!! I was so upset till I stumbled onto your page. I was amazed at how many poems had the same topics as mine, now I can enjoy other peoples poems as much as I did my poems. Maybe someday soon I'll write more and pass them off to you.

Cagey Gates - 07/22/98 01:41:44
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: larry niven-elizabeth moon
Your favorite book: ringworld-paksenarrion
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): nanaimo-b.c. canada
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: 2001 space odessey
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: definitely

Patty - 07/13/98 22:06:23
My URL:Don't have one yet, but I will soon.
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: In what language?
Your favorite book: At the moment, "Obabakoak" by Bernardo Atxaga
Your favorite short story or poem: "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Georgia
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Affirmative
Congratulations on the new grant!

Sebrina Saylor - 07/11/98 02:54:50
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Christopher Pike
Your favorite book: Execution of Innocence
Your favorite short story or poem: Tears
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Pennsylvania
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: I don't watch them
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
I like some of the poems but others weren't so great. I'm looking foward to when you update.

Billy [Dragon Lord] - 07/10/98 23:53:20
My URL:don't have one
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Kate Novak/Jeff Grubb
Your favorite book: Finders Bane[forgotten realms
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): lee c.,Ga.
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: Star Wars
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: i LIKE STAR TREK

Pam - 07/10/98 22:24:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9816
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Margaret Drabble
Your favorite book: Delderfield-To Serve them all my days
Your favorite short story or poem: The spoils of war (Drabble)
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Ohio
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: no
Hi! I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, but I do like your page. It's great to have a place where people can contribute their writing. Your page looks great too!

Jellybaby - 07/10/98 16:20:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/2184
My Email:[email protected]
Your favorite writer: Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. LeGuin
Your favorite book: The Compass Rose
Your favorite short story or poem: Schrodinger's Cat (spelling is probably wrong)
Where do you live?(nonspecific, please): Georgia
The greatest sci-fi/ fantasy movie EVER was...: E.T.
Are you a trekker?trekkie?: Yes, but I don't wear uniforms or speak Klingon.
I just thought I'd try it out. 8-)

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