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Instructions for:
Martok's Webtv / MSNTV Scrapbook Uploader

Uploaders work best, when installed on an "F-Key", and will work for images that you can CLICK on, so that the only thing on your screen is the image by itself.

If this is the case, the URL can be entered into the uploader by either by finding it in the above list of "Recents", or by hitting your "GOTO" button, clicking "SHOW LAST", and CC&P'ing the image's URL to paste in the above text field.
Otherwise, you'll need to obtain the image's URL thru extraction, or sourcing the site it's on.

When you use this Uploader, you will be taken to your scrapbook to view what you have just Uploaded.

There are a few ways to use this Uploader:

Since June 18, 2003
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws