Batman-related Recommended Fanfiction

These are Batman-related (and even other fandoms) fanfiction stories that I recommend and love. These are the fics that are directly linked, and have not been submitted to the site. If your site is listed here and you'd like to be listed in the archive, [email protected]

Batman-related fanfiction: Point Of View
This fic is definitely slash, and there's some implied sex with an underaged male (Can anyone guess who that is? Heh.). This is a good story, but it's pretty sad. You just gotta read it.

JC's BatSlash stories

K9's Batman Slash
This site has some REALLY good Batman/Nightwing (Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson) stories here.

Viccy's Stories
"Sunset Dreams" and "Misty Eyed Adventures". Two really good stories about Bruce/Dick (Batman/Robin or Batman/Nightwing)

James Walkswithwind's Batman/Robin Stories
If you like Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson stories,then this is for you. "Shutting Doors" is a very well-written series and is based of the movies "Batman Forever" and "Batman And Robin". It's not only very sexy, but emotional as well. The king/queen of Bruce/Dick stories.

Stress Relief This story is made by Anne Higgins, and is a Dick/Bruce story. Includes a bit of BDSM in it,and is NC-17.

Death and the Dark Knight: Bat out of Hell
This is a Batman Beyond/Gundam Wing slash crossover. The writer,Quicksylver Chick is pretty damn cool, and this story is very sweet and romantic.

Batman-related slash
This site didn't really have a title to this section,but there is a load of fics that have characters from the Batman comics and even Batman/Superman fics.

Buffy fanfiction recs: Chocolately Goodness by Mad Poetess.
This story is extremely well written, humorous, not to mention pretty realistic for Spike/Xander. Mad Poetess has a very warped style in writing these two together. A lot of pop culture references and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.

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