Astrological relationship between family members

The uniqueness of Astrology is here. Whenever there exists a family there will exist an astrological relationship between the family members. Such Astrological relationship may be builded up through one or more than one Planet. It may be formed when any one Planet occupies the same House of different family members. e.g. The Planet Mars is occupying the Libra (Tula) sign (Raasi) in the Horoscope of the Mother, the Son and The Father. The Planet  Venus occupies the same sign in the Horoscope of  The Husband and the Wife. Sometimes it is found that the Lord of the Ascendant (Lagna) of any member becomes the Moon Sign Lord of anther Member. e.g. the Father's Moon Sign is Taurus (Vrishabha) and the Sign Lord is  Venus and in the Horoscope of the Son the Ascendant (Lagna) is Taurus and the Venus is the Lagna Lord. (Vrishabha).