Satanic Numerology

Letter Frequency in the Satanic Bible

Satanic Numerology is based on the letter frequency* within The Satanic Bible as written by Anton Szandor LaVey.

(*[FNS]: The order here closely relates to the English letter frequency based on a sample of 40,000 words as determined by the Cornell University Math Explorer’s Project. The Satanic Bible consistes of 37,355 words.)

The chart below displays two columns. In the “LaVey” column, letters are shown with the number of times they appear in The Satanic Bible and the single digit sum of that value. The Satanic Bible text excludes any introduction but includes the nineteen keys in both English and Enochian. In the “Sample” column the letters are shown from the Cornell sample of English words.

    LAVEY      |   SAMPLE
E = 21643 = 7  |  E = 21912
T = 15619 = 4  |  T = 16587
A = 14821 = 7  |  A = 14810
O = 13644 = 9  |  O = 14003
I = 13446 = 9  |  I = 13318
S = 12085 = 7  |  N = 12666
N = 11959 = 7  |  S = 11450
R = 10094 = 5  |  R = 10977
H = 9968 = 5   |  H = 10795
L = 7617 = 3   |  D = 7874
D = 6095 = 2   |  L = 7253
C = 5442 = 6   |  U = 5246
U = 5015 = 2   |  C = 4943
M = 4472 = 8   |  M = 4761
F = 4350 = 3   |  F = 4200
G = 3540 = 3   |  Y = 3853
P = 3471 = 6   |  W = 3819
Y = 3373 = 7   |  G = 3693
W = 2838 = 3   |  P = 3316
B = 2576 = 2   |  B = 2715
V = 1946 = 2   |  V = 2019
K = 818 = 8    |  K = 1257
X = 428 = 5    |  X = 315
Z = 319 = 4    |  Q = 205
J = 244 = 1    |  J = 188
Q = 146 = 2    |  Z = 128

Summation Value Assignment

The virgin value assignments are taken directly from single digit summation of the number of times a letter appears in The Satanic Bible. The method doesn’t lend itself to uniform distribution and is easily disturbed by errors in transcription and subsequent incorrect letter counts.

1 = 'J'
2 = 'BDQUV'
3 = 'FGLW'
4 = 'TZ'
5 = 'HRX'
6 = 'CP'
7 = 'AENSY'
8 = 'KM'
9 = 'IO'

Precedence of Use Assignment

A more resilient method for value assignment involves taking the order of the letters from most used to least, then distributing them in numerical order so that E = 1, T = 2, A = 3 up to nine. The pattern then repeats again with one so that L = 1, D = 2, C = 3 and so on. Finally, one last repetition is completed so that W = 1, B = 2, V = 3 until reaching Z. The order of precedence is closely related to that of the English language in general, but varies enough to be recognizably different. The advantage of this method is both better distribution and resilience to errors in text transcription.

1 = 'ELW'
2 = 'BDT'
3 = 'ACV'
4 = 'KOU'
5 = 'IMX'
6 = 'FSZ'
7 = 'GJN'
8 = 'PQR'
9 = 'HY'

Once these values have been derived however, development of the Satanic numerology system is not yet complete. The four Princes of Hell: Satan, Belial, Lucifer and Leviathan are signified by the numbers: five, six, seven, and nine respectively.* Adjustments are necessary to ensure the system respects these values for Prince name numbers.

(*[FNS]: other Satanic lore also attests to these valuations.)

Manipulated Value Assignment

Recall here that numerology relies on the American English alphabet and thus English equivalents of ancient utterances (especially those of the Enochian keys) are not necessarily valued correctly. English affords inappropriate approximations of sounds so the English representations are in-effect broken.

The numbers, after all, are the most important aspect to numerology, so the valuation of three specific letters (one for each Prince out of alignment) are manipulated to bring the name numbers (and thus the entire Satanic number system) into dark alignment. Of interest should be the wholly Satanic idea of manipulation necessitated to serve a Satanic system.

The Manipulations

Letter A (3rd letter) moves from position 3 to position 4 (3+4 = 7 = Anton Szandor LaVey), an overall change of 1 position (Rose = 1).

4+7+2+4+7 + 6+6+4+7+2+4+8 + 1+4+3+1+9 = 7+9 = 1+6 = 7
A n t o n   S z a n d o r   L a V e y

Letter U (13th letter) moves from position 7 to position 1 (7+1 = 8 = Yankee), an overall change of 6 positions (Anton = 6).

9+4+7+4+1+1 = 2+6 = 8
Y a n k e e

Letter B (20th letter) moves from position 2 to position 3 (2+3 = 5 = Satan), an overall change of 1 position (Szandor = 1).

6+4+2+4+7 = 2+3 = 5
S a t a n

(‘A = 3’ + ‘U = 13’ + ‘B = 20’ = 36, 3+6 = 9 = LaVey)

Final Satanic value assignments result in:

1 = 'ELUW'
2 = 'TD'
3 = 'BCV'
4 = 'AKO'
5 = 'IMX'
6 = 'FSZ'
7 = 'GJN'
8 = 'PQR'
9 = 'HY'

Single Digit Summation

Thus ordered around the four Princes of Hell, this system permits every other English word to be summed to a single digit with one exception (detailed below).

Exceptional Thirteen

The number 13 is not reduced in Satanic Numerology. Reservation of this number is for obvious reasons, in addition to evocation of triskaidekaphobia.


([FNS]: references added for clarity)
Cornell Letter Frequencies
Numerology - Wikipedia
Satanic Numerology
Letter Frequencies

Created: Apr. 30, 1999 [author unknown]
Last revision: Jun. 6, 2006 [FNS]