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Fire on Rozhdestvenke

šššššš P yervoye communication/report about the fire in the building of the service of the sea transport of the ministry of transport RF entered on TSUS UGPS 16 hours 59 minutes along line " 01 " from the citizen, whose personality was not established/installed. Applicant reported the ignition between 3 - m and 4 - m by floors 7 - mi of the storeyed part of the administrative building of that arranged/located with the address: the street Of rozhdestvenka, house 1/4 .

šššššš according to this communication/report, taking into account its nature, in the correspondence with " the timetable of the departures of the types of technology... " the shift chief on-duty TSUS UGPS sent to the fire 6 basic automobiles, including: 4 tank trucks, auto-stairs [aerial ladders/turntable ladders], the automobile of gazodymozashchitnoy service, and also the operations group UGPS OF TSCAcO � - CENTRAL AEROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY�.

šššššš in the period from 17 hours 01 minute on 17 hours 06 minutes, taking into account the nature of those continuing to enter claims along lines " 01 ", it was additionally sent to the fire of 7 fire trucks, including: 3 tank trucks, 3 auto-pumps and auto-stairs.

šššššš 17 hours 09 minutes to the fire arrived the on-duty guard 10 PCCh UGPS OF TSCAcO � - CENTRAL AEROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY�. By this time from the windows 4, 5, 6 and 7 of floors 7 - mi of storeyed administrative building went thick smoke, people, which were being located in the windows and on the balconies, requested about the aid...

ššššš the building of the service of the sea transport of building automatic fire KHIKH of century, designer is not known signaling TOLITE -10/100 it was contained in the operational state and it accomplished its task; the heating is central, is water; illumination electrical of ~evakuatsii sootvetsvuyut 220 V. Puti to the required standards.

šššššš fire arose in the skin/sheathing of the communication/supply line duct of the room of?eshch" to 3 - I will eat floor 4 - X of the storeyed part of the building. Initially fire was extended hidden in the vacuum overlaps and the partitions. After the fire assumed the open form of combustion, fire/light was extended by the wooden constructions of overlaps, partitions and corridors.

šššššš the presence of the combustible overlaps and partitions over the large area with the complex planning contributed to the development of fire to the area of 8250 sq. meters, to the creation of the high temperature in the floors of building, to strong smoke-screening in the compartments/rooms and the staircases, to the rapid formation of through burnouts and to the partial caving of the frameworks of overlaps and partitions, which was 2600 kV of meters, including occurred caving load-bearing wall with 4 of floor on garret 7 - mi of the storeyed part of the building from the side of court.

šššššš fire subdivisions were not caused for the hour, the employees of object at this time independently put out fire. As a result, up to the moment/torque of the arrival of fire subdivisions, the fire was extended to the considerable area, was created the high temperature and strong smoke-screening in the floors of building beginning with 3 - GO of floor 4 - X of storeyed and 2 - GO of floor 7 - mi of the storeyed of the parts of the building, which hampered combat operations on the rescuing of people and its extinguishing.

šššššš by the basic disturbance/breakdown of the rules of fire safety as those served as the reason for fire served the gross violation of the requirements PPB of 01-93 g. while conducting of firings (gas-welding works) in compartments/rooms 3 - GO of the floor of building. Negatively affected the timely evacuation of people from the building, the absence of the reporting chain of people in the case of fire and forced evacuation and delay since the beginning of the evacuation of people, complex planning of compartments/rooms and improper actions of the workers of protection upon the arrival of signals by automatic fire alarm.

šššššš... 17 hours 38 minutes to the fire arrived the chief OF UGPS GUVD g. Moscow general Major Korotchik L.a. situation on the fire by this time even more was complicated, fire took the open form, the smoke-screening of staircases and compartments/rooms was strengthened, the propagation of fire/light could not establish/install the area of fire and boundary, people, which were being located in the windows and the balconies requested about the aid, although all hoists, which arrived by that time to the fire, worked on the full load.

šššššš after conducting the reconnaissance of fire Major General Korotchik L.a. was accepted management/manual of the extinguishing of fire to itself, it did transmit on TSUS UGPS information about the fact that situation on the fire complex, are conducted the rescue operations, it did order to send ever greater ( 50 m and above) stairs it did declare " to fire? 5 ".

šššššš on the fire were created 3 sectors even 3 independent combat sectors, and also 3 posts of safety GDZS. were developed the reference point GDZS, which created reserve of 9 - TI of components/links GDZS and ensured the maintenance/servicing those insulating it was anti-gas gazodymozashchitnikov. In the course of the extinguishing of fire the replacement of approximately 230 oxygen cylinders and regenerative cartridges was produced.

šššššš the taken measures fire 21 hours 24 minutes was - it was localized, and - it was liquidated 2 hours 54 minutes of 12.02.98 g.. Work on spill and dismantling of obstructions, control dissection of overlaps and partitions continued to 19 hours 15 minutes of 16.02.98 g. on the spot of fire was concentrated 74 basic and 33 special fire trucks with the total number of combat crews of 458 people.

šššššš on the fire hydrants were established 12 fire trucks, are laid 15 trunk lines, to the extinguishing were given 44 water stems, including of 7 gun carriage and 34 manual, are spent 1000 liters of foaming agent and 132553 tons of water. On the perimeter of building are established 10 auto-stairs (even) [and] 7 elbow-shaped hoists. Fire helicopter produced 16 discharges/breaks of the water with a total volume of 80 cubic meters.

šššššš on the fire are suffered injury of different degree of gravity and the cities of 3 colleagues of ministry were delivered into different medical establishments. But also 3 workers of fire protection.

šššššš on the fire from the smoking compartments/rooms components/links GDZS rescued 106 people.

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