Mexico Public Safety Items


Emergency phone numbers -

also see the International Emergency Phone Numbers file on this website

1999 Rough Guide to Mexico - page 58 - dial 06 for police emergency operator - phone booths have #s for local Red Cross - to dial interstate calls in Mexico dial 91 + area code + the number - to call the USA and Canada from Mexico, dial 95 + area code + the number

Michelin Guide to Mexico - ?1999 - 800-004-13 for CENACOM (National Center for Comm and Civil Protection) - Emergency 060 - International English Speaking Long Distance Operator 090


Mexico City Public Safety

Locatel Phone Number in Mexico City - 02 Jan 2002



Go to - look under International for about 12 Mexican fire departments


Mexicali Fire Department


Direccion de Bomberos de Tijuana
Titular:Cmte. Carlos Gopar Mart�nez
Direcci�n:Calle Aldrete�8298 Zona R�o C.P. 00000
Ciudad:Tijuana, Baja California
Tel�fonos:01 (66) 6-88-18-17, 6-38-4127 y 28Fax:01 (66) 6-83-4237Correo
Internet: (as of 1 June 2000 - just the previous basic info is on the website)


From the list - January 2001

Thanks Mike for educating us where Mammoth Lakes [at least one of them] is, I did not know! I only had a short time to visit each port that the ship stopped at.[and almost missed the ship departure in Mazatlan to make time to visit their f.d.] In Cabo I came across a man that was wearing a blue duty uniform downtown that had a Washington State EMT patch on one arm and a Federal Way patch on the other arm and a name tag of "A.Weeks". This was his regular duty shirt! [where did he get it?]

He did not speak English but a food stand server translated for me and he took me to the Cabo f.d. It was a very clean building and off to the side were 6 vehicles under a metal roof ranging from fire trucks to water tenders to the ladder truck [from Mammoth Lake CA] all clean and ready for use. The building had an alcove where their turnout gear was, and also inside were burning candles and a picture of Mother Mary? [sorry for my religious ignorance!] to help watch over them?

The sleeping quarters were upstairs and they had a real fire pole the f.f.s slid down to get to their gear and vehicles. [I have a picture of the guy sliding down the pole upside down showing off!] All their turn outs were clean and were of various brands like Globe and Lion. Helmets were black, yellow, and red. The other people at the dept. were very friendly and appreciative of the patches I gave them and they brought out a guest book for me to sign and I saw addresses from all over the United States. I also bought a T-shirt from them for $10.00. It said Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. Bomberos Voluntarios and has a picture of a f.f. flowing water out of a hose and riding a blue marlin fish. I did not get nosey and open up vehicle doors to check out equipment - but I did in Mazatlan. Tomorrow a little bit about the Mazatlan fire dept.


Go to the police car web page listed elsewhere on this site to see Mexican police cars - some of them are VW bugs

Volcano Webcam Used by Mexican Civil Defense



Updated - 15 May 00 - Volcano Cam - 29 May 00 - Mexicali FD - 24 Oct 00 - emerg phone #s - 15 Feb 01 - Cabo FD info - 02 Jan 2002 - Locatel #

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