This information is intended to supplement the Rome / Roma Fire Department website which is located at COMUNE/sperimentali/vvf/vvf.html  ROMA FIRE DEPARTMENT  Broken link - 4/99 - will try to fix - apparently they are offline now.


Rome FD is back onlineHere


At their website you will see a map that shows some of their station/detachments/distaccamenti. From what I have been able to figure out - there are 12 stations in the City of Rome and 15 additional stations in the Province of Rome.

The stations are located at - Anzio (south) , Bracciano (NW) , Campagnano (N) , Castel Porziano (SW) , Centrale (Rome) at Via Genova 3A , Ciampino (SE) (a small airport) , Civitavecchia (NW) , Colle Ferro (E) , EUR (in Rome) , Fiumicino (W)(Airport - ?Leonardo de Vinci ) , Fluviale , Frascati (SE) , La Rustica , Marino (SE), Montelibretti (N) , Monte Mario (NW Rome) , Nomenstano (NE Rome) , Ostia Lido (SW) , Ostiense (S Rome) , Palestrina (SE) , Pomezia (S) , Prati (Rome) , Subiaco (E) , Tivoli (E) , Tuscolano 1 (Rome) , Tuscalono 2 (Rome) , Velletri (SE).

The Province of Rome covers 8400 square kilometers/4,2000 square miles and contains several 3000 meter/6000 foot mountains. The Agro Romano/Commune of Rome covers 2000 square kilometers/1000 square miles and is contained within the province of Rome. The core city area covers 2 square miles / 4 square kilometers.

There are 1,467 firefighters who work for the Rome Provincial Fire Department. There are 4 platoons - each of which works 12 hour shifts. During 1997, they responded to 40,000 incidents.


To the best of my knowledge, the emergency telephone numbers for Rome/Roma are - City Police and First Aid 113 - Fire 115 - Caribinieri/State Police 112.

Updated emergency phone numbers per 3/99 info on the city website - Carabinieri / State Police 112 - Croce Rossa / ?Red Cross Ambulance 5510 - Guardia Medica / First Aid 118 - Pubblica Sicurezza / ?Police, Fire, and Ambulance 113 - Vigili del Fuocco / Fire Department / Fire Brigade / Fire Service 115 - Vigili Urbani / City Police 67691

July 25, 1999 - from looking at several Italian websites - apparently the nationwide emergency telephone numbers are 115 - Fire, 118 - Ambulance, 112 - Carabineri/State Police, 113 - Local Police (118 is a ?new number since 1990 is still not in use in some areas of Italy).


per Rick Steve's "Rome" - 2000

page 27 - P113 - A112 or 118


The population of Roma is officially listed at 2.78 million, but of course it could be much higher due to unlisted citizens.


Some Italian phrases of interest are -
fire brigade = corpo dei pompieri or vigili del fuoco
fire engine/appliance = autopompa or machiina dei pompiers
hydrant = idranta
fire station / fire depot = deposito di autopompa or caserma dei vigili del fuoco
fuoco = fire
vigili del fuoco = fireman = fire watchman.

POLICE - The Caribineri / State Police wear black uniforms with red piping. The City Police / Polizia wear blue uniforms. The Traffic Police have blue uniforms and white helmets - they are apparently unarmed. (One tourist book says that the municipal police are the same as the vigili urban and the traffic police, but this does not agree with other info that I have seen.)

If anyone has any information to add to this, please drop me a note at


by Peter Szerlag - July 7, 1998

the URL for this item is

Updated - April 14, 1999 - July 25, 1999 - 29Apr00

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