from May 1998 Lonely Planet -

Tehran Province covers 28,000 square kilometers and has a population of 12 million

Tehran City has many 5 story buildings and some 20 story buildings - the city has very bad smog and traffic chaos - no one obeys the traffic laws unless a armed police officer is nearby - the emergency telephone numbers are - Accidents 197 - Emergency Assistance 198 - Fire Brigade 125 - Pharmacy 191 - Police 129 - Red Crescent / Iranian Red Cross 890 111 - Traffic accidents 197 or 342 443 - a private ambulance company is Iran Emdad at 6436 662 - one can also contact an ambulance by calling "billing inqueries at 115

Iran has the highest motor vehicle accident death rate in the world - 5,000 die per year (?countrywide) - the author saw 3 fatal accidents with sheet covered corpses and police officers wearing masks to fight the stench of burnt flesh


Also see -

Misc Fire Items Compiled Dec 2001

Lonely Planet 2001 Info - phone numbers from several major cities



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