Delaware Firefighters Issue Urgent Warning" by: Lou Angeli

Flirting With Disaster

(Dover, Delaware) - Following the Line of Duty Death of a First State Firefighter, citizens in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland are being asked to donate to a "special" firefighters' fund. But there's just one problem. Delaware firefighters aren't aware of such funds, and suspect that they may be "telemarketing gimmicks".

A week ago today, 26 year old Arnold Blankenship III was buried with full honors, following fatal injuries he received during a training burn in Sussex County, Delaware. Blankenship was caught in what officials are referring to as a flashover, as the structure in which he was working was being burned.

Telephone solicitations on behalf of injured or deceased firefighters seemed to increase on the heels of Blankenship's death, and Delaware fire officials have moved quickly to alert citizens that such "requests for donations" are unauthorized, and in some cases illegal.

In a press release issued yesterday by the Delaware Volunteer Firemen's Association, the group warns of potential frauds and asks parties interested in donating to the Blankenship family to do so ONLY through his department, the Greenwood Fire Company. According to the DVFA's Executive Secretary, Jamie Turner, "The initial two involve the Blankenship Trust Fund. An individual named Scott contacted a citizen in the Fenwick Island (Delaware) area requesting funds, with a minimum of $25.00 or $50.00 be sent to support this fund.' Turner continues, 'The second request originated on Maryland's Eastern shore area." Police officials and press in both states have been alerted by the DVFA.

"It happens all around the country,' says George Burke, Director of Communications for the IAFF, 'especially after a firefighter's death." He added that it was unfortunate that this problem is linked to firefighter tragedies. Following the deaths of two firefighters in Chesapeake, Virginia in 1996, a number of charitable scams surfaced. It is believed that such scam organizations rob the public of millions of dollars each year, and divert funds that would have gone to legitimate charities.

In a mass mail campaign under the heading, "Association for Disabled Firefighters Delaware CAMPAIGN" the author says, "I would like to personally thank you on behalf of all my members for your generous support." The letter, signed by a Mr. Mike Kowalksy, also reminds potential contributors that "Financial assistance (goes) to the families of Firefighters injured or killed in the line of duty." and "Children's Burn Camps, which allow unfortunate child victims to go to camp and interact with other burn victims."

The Stanton, Delaware local address that appears on the letter is believed to be a Mail Boxes, etc PO Box.

In researching the letter, we learned that last year a Mr. Michael Kowalksy filed suit against U.S. Marketing, Inc. (2701 S. Main St Santa Ana, California 90727) parent company to "Association for Disabled Firefighters".

In his complaint filed in Orange County, California, Kowalsky claims that U.S. Marketing raised $1.9 million in 1999, but donated only $2,000 to fire service organizations. Apparently tha campaign affecting Delaware is product of� U.S. Marketing Inc. The "boiler room" firm operates under a number of banners including "Firefighters Association of America." The business that they conduct is often referred to as "Badge Fraud" and Federal agencies have been looking into the activities of similar "alleged" foundations.

In 1998, the FTC launched a project to target telephone fundraising fraud, and included as a major target is U.S. Marketing Inc and North American Charitable Services Inc. According to the suit, the Federal government claims that these organziations use fraudlulent methods to solicit funds, often misidentifying themselves as firefighters and police officers.

In order to curb such operations, the FTC last year launched "Operation False Alarm", which has targeted 57 companies in 22 states. For departments nationwide who wish to contribute to the Blankenship family, it is recommended that you contact the Greenwood Fire Company or email the DVFA via Jamie Turner at





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