Oro Valley Arizona

CALL TO ORDER: 7:01 p.m.
PRESENT: Jan Kvancz, Chairman + Fred McColluch + Herb Rutt, Member
ABSENT:  Vice Chairman Ron Koslowski + J.J. Northan, Member
STAFF PRESENT: Werner Wolff, Chief of Police + Linda Hersha, Administrative Secretary + Terry Vosler, Building Official

Jan Kvancz, Chair, welcomed the Focus Group Members and proceeded to announce the names of those members that were in attendance. (John Barbee, Bob Bernal, Richard O'Sullivan, Jim Bawulski and Jim Schuette.)

Chair Kvancz distributed a questionnaire to the group for review and answers regarding the Oro Valley Fire & EMS Strategic Plan. She explained that when the final report is introduced at the study session, that this would be the time to bring all the issues forward. She explained that the purpose for the questionnaire was to get a consensus for recommendations and comments for the preparation of Council Communications, which would reflect the Fire Advisory Committee (FAC) and Focus Group wishes. She added that the final report from the consulting group was expected to arrive, August 2nd.

In answer to a question from Member McCulloch, Chair Kvancz informed the group that the next meeting would not be scheduled until after the Labor Day weekend.

John Barbee stated that he disagreed with a lot of the information that has been submitted. He added that he had facts and figures to backup his statement.

Member Herb Rutt became ill around 7:20 p.m., and excused himself from the meeting. Due to Mr. Rutt's departure, the Fire Advisory Committee no longer had a quorum of member present. Respectfully submitted, Linda Hersha, Administrative Secretary   **************************************************************************                            DRAFT MINUTES OF THE ORO VALLEY FIRE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND CITIZEN'S FOCUS GROUP AUGUST 30, 1999 ORO VALLEY TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11000 N. LA CANADA DRIVE CALL TO ORDER: 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Jan Kvancz, Chairman                         Ron Koslowski, Vice Chair                         Fred McCulloch, Member                         Herb Rutt, Member                         J. J. Northam, Member                         Paul Parisi, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Sweet, Town Manager Werner Wolff, Chief of Police                               Linda Hersha, Administrative Secretary                                         Terry Vosler, Building Official

Jan Kvancz, Chair, welcomed the Citizen's Focus Group Members and proceeded to announce the names of those members that were in attendance. (Tom Peterson, Sandy Larsen, Catherine Shouse, John Barbee, Charlie Hulsey, Betty Larsen, Richard O'Sullivan and Jim Schuette.)

APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED 7/19/99 MOTION: A MOTION was made by Herb Rutt, and SECONDED by Ron Koslowski to approve the minutes of July 19, 1999. Motion carried, 5-0. REVIEW OF MEETING OF 7/26/99 Chair Kvancz explained that due to Mr. Rutt becoming ill, there were not enough committee members for a quorum.

ESCG'S FINAL REPORT OF ORO VALLEY STRATEGIC PLAN FOR FIRE & EMS Chair Kvancz explained that many of the items had been corrected as requested by the Fire Advisory Committee (FAC) and Citizen's Focus Group (CFG). She stated that a new category had been added, "Fire Department Evaluation Update", which compared the 2 fire agencies. Chair Kvancz proceeded to hand out the final report submitted by Emergency ServiceS Consulting Group (ESCG). She explained that the report was a combination of all the meetings that had taken place between the FAC, CFG and ESCG over the past few months. She also distributed a report created by the FAC and CFG of recommendations that would be submitted along with ESCG's report to Council. Vice Chair Koslowski stated that the FAC and CFG should have a copy of the signed affidavit from the agencies confirming that the information submitted was accurate. Chair Kvancz read the following FAC and CFG recommendations to be presented to Council:

BACKGROUND: On September 9, 1998 Emergency Services Consulting Group presented their report "Oro Valley Evaluation of Emergency & Non-Emergency Service" recommendations were made to the Town Council that resulted from this evaluation. Town Council chose only to "accept" the report. Since that time the FAC has monitored the implementation of some of the recommendations. A Fire Marshall from the Golder Ranch Fire District was appointed by Town Council to oversee Fire Marshall responsibilities for the Town of Oro Valley. The 1997 Uniform Fire, Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Abandonment of Dangerous Building Codes was adopted. ESCG also recommended the Town develop a strategic plan for performance standards.

On November 17, 1998 a Request for Proposal was sent to bidders and advertised in the newspaper. Two firms responded: ESCG, WEST Linn, Oregon and BW Safety Consulants, North Scituate, Rhode Island. An interview panel consisting of the Town Manager, FAC members, Herb Rutt, Ron Koslowski, Don Chatfield, Community Development Director at that time and Council Member Paul Parisi, FAC liaison. The firms were interviewed on January 11, 1999. ESCG was chosen to prepare a Strategic Plan for Fire and Emergency Medical Services for Oro Valley, that would be "Customer Centered".

In mid January a letter of invitation was sent to 100 residents asking them to be part of the "Customer Centered" Strategic Plan. The lists of names were supplied by the Town to the FAC. Thirty (30) citizens indicated their willingness to be involved in the project. The "Citizen's Focus Group" (CFG) and FAC has met eight (8) times beginning March 15th and ending August 30th. The consultants conducted four (4) workshop meetings with the FAC and CFG.

SUMMARY: The recurring statement for the CFG is "we do not need two fire departments". The CFG questioned why Town Council did not "enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Golder Ranch Fire District to provide fire and emergency medical services to all of Oro Valley, and contract with Rural/Metro to provide basic life support ambulance transportation and advanced life support backup to Golder Ranch" as recommended by ESCG in their report presented to Town Council on September 9, 1998.

Time and again the CFG have stated that the primary purpose of government is to provide for the public safety and welfare of its citizens. This means not only excellent police protection, but excellent fire and emergency medical services. Oro Valley government since its inception has ignored this basic tenet as to why governments are formed.

Fire and Emergency Medical Services provided to citizens should not be dependent upon private corporations for these vital services. Private corporations are answerable to management and their shareholders who expect to make a profit. Public Fire Districts are answerable to the citizens they serve and their governing board who are elected citizens. Also monies paid by taxes for fire and emergency medical services is tax deductible, if you itemize on your taxes. Public Fire District profits are reinvested in the community it serves, i.e. new equipment, staffing, etc.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The FAC and the CFG recommends that the Mayor and Council take action as outlined below: GRFD should be the primary fire and emergency medical service provider for the entire Town of Oro Valley. The Town should sign an IGA with GRFD to provide fire protection and emergency medical services as recommended in "Oro Valley Evaluation of Emergency and Non-Emergency Services". September 1998 APPENDIX "A". APPENDIX "A 1" CFG summary of costs, etc.

  APPENDIX "B" pertinent information regarding recommendation #1. Pages 40,41 Town of Oro Valley Fire Services Strategic Plan" July 1999 report, 'Fire Department Evaluation – Update'. Based on all of this information the CFG and FAC support this recommendation. The Town should contract with Rural/Metro to provide basic life support ambulance transportation and advanced life support backup to Golder Ranch.

APPENDIX "C".   Adopt and implement the Performance Objectives & Targets as Outlined on pages 30, 31 "Town of Oro Valley Fire Services Plan" as soon as possible.

APPENDIX "D"   MONITORING: The CFG recommends that current members of the FAC along with four (4) citizens from the CFG monitor the Town Council progress and the fire and emergency medical services providers to implement the Performance Objectives & Targets in a timely manner as suggested in the report. When this has been accomplished we suggest the Town contract with an outside professional to review on a monthly basis the Performance Objectives and Targets as agreed to by the Town, GRFD and R/M. We also recommend a financial penalty and cancellation clause be included in the IGA with GRFD and the contract with R/M.

The City of Tucson utilizes the services of an outside professional to monitor their EMS contract with Rural/Metro. On a monthly basis the stats are reviewed by this contractor regarding adherence to the contract with the City. The stats include response times, and staffing. The information provided in this review is discussed withthe City of Tucson, Rural/Metro and the consultant. Substantial financial penalties can be imposed for not meeting the contract requirements.

APPENDIX "E": Byron L. Bissell, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae, and prospectus for Byron L. Bissell and Associates.

FIRE FLOW: There are some areas in the southern part of Oro Valley that do not have hydrants. These areas need to have hydrants installed, this would lower a home owners insurance costs. The minimum 1000' for hydrants is acceptable to the ISO. Although fire departments can use 1000' of hose there is some friction loss. The Uniform Fire Code requires that hydrants be placed no farther than 500'apart.

WHO SHOULD PAY FOR FIRE & EMS UPGRADES? The FAC and CFG recommends that upgrades in service, performance, staffing and equipment should be paid by the tax monies collected by a Fire District. The Town can legally collect monies for fire service and pass it onto to GRFD. Everyone in Oro Valley would be covered for fire service. It would take approximately two years to annex all of Oro Valley. Once all properties are annexed, the Town would no longer have to collect payments for fire services, it would be included in residents Pima County tax bills.

Currently all residents pay for school districts, bonds, libraries, etc. in their tax bills, and fire and emergency medical services should be shared by all residents. Fire District buildings, and equipment are the property of the citzens the Fire District it serves.

This is not the case with a private corporation. You would have to purchase all of the above if operations ceased, effectively paying twice for the same building and equipment, once through your subscription and again in purchasing it. We also recommend that the Town Council provide funding for the land to build future fire station.

FUTURE FIRE STATION LOCATION: Page 28, 29 of the "Oro Valley Evaluation of Emergency & Non-Emergency Services" 9/9/1998 report discussed this issue. We concur with the recommendation. A four-minute travel time criterion is used as a benchmark. Total response time should be less than 6 minutes for emergency medical calls and six to eight minutes for fire emergencies. This allows for a one-minute dispatch processing time and a 50-second turnout time, which are nationally recognized benchmarks. The response models were calculated using a 35-mph travel speed. Fire stations should be placed approximately no further than 5 miles apart from the area that they serve to meet performance objectives.

APPENDIX "F" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:  The Uniform Fire Code gives the Town of Oro Valley the responsibility for issuing permits and inspecting occupancies for the safe use and handling of hazardous materials. The Town should require businesses that store hazardous materials to provide an inventory of these materials.

APPENDIX "G" The FAC and CFG are also including other information.

APPENDIX "H" two articles from Rural/Metro Corporation regarding their new organizational structure, and one from the 6/28/99 Business Week magazine.

APPENDIX "I" a letter from Chief John Fink of GRFD dated 7/7/1999 to the Town Manager regarding service improvements under his leadership. The FAC wishes to thank the participants of the Citizen's Focus Group for their time and dedication to the task assigned to them. We also want to thank the Town Council, staff and all of those who have participated in this very complex and difficult endeavor during the past 2+ years. We encourage you to adopt these recommendations which are in the best interests of the citizens that you serve.


SUGGESTED MOTION: Adopt and implement recommendations 1-8 in the suggested time frames as listed in the report. Signed Jan Kvancz, Chair FAC Chair Kvancz explained that the remaining portion of the packet contained all of the supporting documentation for the recommendations.

FAC & CITIZEN'S FOCUS GROUP FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOWN COUNCIL In answer to a question from a lady in the audience, FAC Liaison, Paul Parisi, explained that the implementation of the plan would begin by constructing a temporary station that would provide service to the Town.

Chuck Sweet, Town Manager, stated that he had reservations regarding the physical liability of the plan that was being presented by the FAC. He explained that the numbers indicate $700,000 would be used out of the Town's budget for Golder Ranch to provide service. He further explained that the subscription rate would increase 123% for Rural/Metro, therefore, "questioning the ability to accomplish this financially".

Chair Kvancz explained that via written communication submitted by Golder Ranch to the consultant, Golder Ranch would take care of the cost increase for services. FAC Liaison Paul Parisi stated that the plan could be implemented in stages. Vice Chair Koslowski agreed and said "this was a wonderful project that would be recognized throughout the United States". Chief Wolff asked if Golder Ranch became the Town's service provider, who would govern them. Chair Kvancz explained that the Town would enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Public Fire District. She added that the agency would be monitored and required to meet all of the "Performance Targets and Objectives". Member Rutt suggested that the Town Council could donate funds for the purchase of land, and that this should be reflected in the recommendations. Mr. Sweet stated that his concern would be the cost to the citizens of Oro Valley. FAC Liaison, Paul Parisi, emphasized the fact that if the Town developed its' own fire district, those citizens that live in the district would own the equipment, building and everything included in the plan.

MOTION: Vice Chair Koslowski MOVED to recommend sending the recommendations as written to the Town Council. Motion SECONDED by Herb Rutt. The motion carried, 5-0. Chair Kvancz thanked the members for volunteering their time and effort. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Hersha, Administrative Secretary

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