Mid State EMS Council - Herkimer, Oneida, and Madison Counties


Municipalities in Herkimer County, New York

Cold Brook - population 312 - Village
Columbia 1,616 Town 
Danube 1,053 Town 
Dolgeville 2,244 Village 
Fairfield 1,425 Town 
Frankfort 2,503 Village 
German Flatts 13,415 Town 
Herkimer 7,329 Village 
Ilion 8,132 Village 
Litchfield 1,457 Town 
Little Falls 5,326 City 
Manheim 3,360 Town 
Middleville 554 Village 
Mohawk 2,736 Village 
Newport 616 Village 
Norway 699 Town 
Ohio 879 Town 
Poland 422 Village 
Russia 2,321 Town 
Salisbury 1,991 Town 
Schuyler 3,585 Town 
Stark 782 Town 
Warren 1,063 Town 
Webb 1,718 Town 
West Winfield 962 Village 
Winfield 2,276 Town


Other places


West Schuyler


Law Enforcement Agencies in Herkimer County, New York

Agency - City - County - Type

Dolgeville Police Dept - Dolgeville Herkimer Municipal Police

Frankfort Police Dept - Frankfort Herkimer Municipal Police

Frankfort Town Police Dept - Frankfort Herkimer Municipal Police

Herkimer Co Coroner's Office - Herkimer Herkimer Med. Ex./Coroner

Herkimer Co Sheriff's Dept - Herkimer Herkimer Sheriff's Office

Herkimer Police Dept - Herkimer Herkimer Municipal Police

Ilion Police Dept - Ilion Herkimer Municipal Police

Little Falls Police Dept - Little Falls Herkimer Municipal Police

Mohawk Police Dept - Mohawk Herkimer Municipal Police

Webb Police Dept - Old Forge Herkimer Municipal Police



Cedarville VFD near Illion (part of Columbia and Litchfield)

Dolgeville FD

East Herkimer VFD - part of Herkimer

EW Corey Hose Company in Middleville

Frankfort Center FD

Frankfort Hill FD

Gray VFC

Herkimer FD

Ilion FD

Little Falls FD

Mohawk ?FD

Newport FD

Poland FD

Salisbury Center FD

Van Hornesville FD - part of Stark

West Winfield FD


Fire Protection Districts (special governmental districts/taxing bodies) per ?www.census.gov/gid - 12Sept00

Columbia Litchfield + East Herkimer + German Flatts + Salisbury 1 + Van Hornesville 1 + Webb 1 + Winfield


Radio Frequencies


Sheriff - 155.61R - South PL 162.2 - North PL 131.8 - 158.97input

Fire Dispatch - 154.205R (2 repeaters) - 46.36 - 153.77FX - 154.43FX - 154.16M - 460.6375 (1M) - 154.28M (1998) - 154.295M (1998)

EMS - 155.16

County DPW - 33.10

Hospitals - 155.34 - 155.40

Misc - 153.965M (1994)


Cold Brook Village

Columbia Town - DPW156.225

Danube Town

Dolgeville Village - F154.205 - 156.075 - P155.61

EW Carey Hose - F154.205

Fairfield Town

Frankfort Center FD - 46.36

Frankfort Hill FD - 154.205

Frankfort Village - F155.775 - 159.075/151.13R - P155.61

German Flatts Town

Herkimer Village - F154.205 - 153.86 - 154.995 Housing - 155.16 Mohawk VAC - 158.745 DPW - P 155.61

Ilion Village - F 154.13 F 46.36 - 154.04 - P 155.61

Kuyahoora VAC - 155.16

Litchfield Town - DPW 156.225

Little Falls City - F 154.31 - 153.755 Housing - P155.61

Manheim Town

Middleville Village

Mohawk Village - F 155.925 - DPW 155.925 - DPW 45.76 - P 155.61

Newport Village - F154.205 - DPW 159.015

Norway Town

Ohio Town

Poland Village - F 154.205

Russia Town

Salisbury Town

S + S VAC near Emmonsburg and Salisbury Center - 464.875R

Schuyler Town - DPW 151.07

Stark Town

Warren Town - DPW 453.15R

Webb Town - 800TRS - P155.61R P155.655 P155.85M

West Winfield Village - F154.205 F154.325

Winfield Town - DPW 156.24




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