Plymouth County MA Public Safety Radio Channels

Typed up 6/10/99 by Peter Szerlag

Key - All frequencies listed that are above 400Mhz are repeater output frequencies unless otherwise noted.

BM = base and mobiles only - no repeater. M = mobiles only. HT = portable radios only.


County at Hanson - 483.00 - 483.475 - 483.10 - 483.20 - 483.925 - 483.775 (pend 8/99) - 483.10 - 483.20 - 483.40 - 483.475 - 483.775 - 483.925 (pend 11/99)


At approximately 12 noon today (Tue 10-31-00) on 154.295, Plymouth County Fire announced that the new UHF Plymouth County Fire frequencies are available on a limited basis. According to the most recent issue of Monitoring Times the freq.s' are, 
1 - 483.1000 PL203.5
2 - 483.2000 PL114.8
3 - 483.4000 PL127.3
4 - 483.4750 PL141.3
5 - 483.7750 PL156.7
6 - 483.9250 PL173.8



Abington - PD - 483.0125 - FD - 482.95

Acushnet - PD - 482.8125 - FD - 453.875

Bridgewater - PD - 484.7875 - FD - 460.525

Brockton - PD - 482.7125 - 482.8625 - FD - 154.31R (151.16in) - 153.89 - 154.145 (1999)

Carver - PD - 483.3625 - FD - 33.44 - 471.25 (10/00)

Duxbury - PD - 482.4125 - 155.61 - FD - 33.48 - 460.575

East Bridgewater - PD - 482.6125 - FD - 483.6875 - 33.72

Halifax - PD - 482.7875 - FD - 33.76

Hanover - PD - 484.7625 - FD - 33.96 - 484.40 (8/99 on air)

Hanson - PD - 482.7875 - 153.965 - FD - 33.80 - 482.925 (5/99pend)

Hingham - PD - 484.4125 - FD - 154.265 - 153.83 - 154.19 - 484.375

Hull - PD - 482.9875 - FD - 154.265 - 154.19

Kingston - PD - 482.4625 - FD - 460.60 - 33.48

Lakeville - PD - 482.4875 - FD - 33.52

Marion - PD - 483.1125 - FD - 33.52 - 483.425

Marshfield - PD - 482.5625 - FD - 453.4375 - 453.5625 - 453.5875 - 453.6625 - 453.7625 - 33.92

Mattapoisett - PD - 482.8125 - FD - 45.08 - 453.075

Middleboro - PD - 482.4875 - FD - 33.72 - 154.01 - 470.375 - 470.825 - 470.70 - 470.60 (9/99pend)

Norwell - PD - 482.5625 - 458.8875M - FD - 33.94

Pembroke - PD - 482.7875 - FD - 33.68

Plymouth - PD - 482.6625 - 482.7375 - FD - 154.43

Plympton - PD - 482.4625 - FD - 33.44 - ?33.76 - ?39.50 - 453.4125 (6/00pend)

Rochester - PD - 482.5375 - FD - 33.52 - ?154.175 - ?45.48

Rockland - PD - 483.0125 - 453.7375 - FD - 482.675 - 482.625BM - 458.8125M

Wareham - PD - 484.4375 - 482.5375 - FD - 33.88 - 154.40 - ?33.08 - Onset FD - 33.92 - 154.235

West Bridgewater - PD - 482.6125 - FD - 33.72 - 453.3875 - 460.6375HT

Whitman - PD - 471.625 - 482.3125 - 155.895 - 159.12 - FD - 33.80 - 472.40


More Details for Various Towns


WBR965 - PP - 5/96FCC - 508.295.3180 - mail to 2515 Cranberry Highway - Kendrick Rd - 484.4375 - FB2 - ERP172 - 2515 Cranberry Hgwy - 484.4375 FB ERP50 - 5/96 first used - FX1s - 13 Mill St in Marions - 482.5375 - FB2 - ERP319 - 4/91 first used - mobiles - 108 X 75W/117ERP (per FCC website July 2000)


Updated - 31Oct00 - Carver 471.25 -



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