Minidoka County Idaho




West End Fire Protection District at Paul - has good photos of vehicles (May00)


from (which has archives) - October 2000

Fire Chief says levy is needed to keep operating

By MARGI OWENS South Idaho Press

HEYBURN - In November, Minidoka county residents who live in the Minidoka County Fire Protection District will be voting yes or no for a $290,000 permanent override levy to keep the district running. It will be the second vote on the issue since August 1.

Attorney Kent Fletcher said after the measure failed in August that only 163 voters came out to have a say on the matter. The measure missed the two-thirds margin required by 17 votes. Only 60 votes were cast against, 103 in favor.

District Fire Chief Mike Brown said the money is needed to keep the fire district alive. "We have been asking for and getting an override every two years to add to the existing $72,400 budget," Brown said. "But it cost almost $1,500 to run an election. We could save the taxpayers that amount of money at least by having a permanent override levy."

The proposed levy was $240,000 at the last election. Fire District officials decided it would be in the best interest of the district to have a more dependable source of income. This year they are asking for $290,000. Like other taxing entities, they have the power to increase the budget by three percent a year, but the permanent levy of $290,000 will stay at that amount.

Fletcher agreed saying it is fiscally responsible to have a stable source of income for the fire district - one important thing the permanent increase would provide. "It is a matter of education," he said in August. "But the taxpayers have the right to decide."

There are 3,000 registered voters in the district that covers 350 square miles of Minidoka County. Many more people live in the district and receive fire protection from the three fire departments, East End, Northside and Heyburn.

"We have to educate the public about how important this is," Brown said. "Without it we cannot continue to operate efficiently. We need to upgrade some equipment and have money to pay the bills."

In the district's evaluation of fiscal year 2000-2001, the cost of the permanent levy would be 92 cents per $1,000 of property valuation, an 8 cent per $1,000 increase from last year. Homeowners are being taxed on an $80,000 home, with the 50 percent homeowners exemption, the taxable value is $40,000. The taxes for the fire district last year totaled $33.58. If the permanent levy passes the taxes on the same property are projected to be $36.70. Taxes for the fire district on agricultural land will change from 63 cents per acre to 69 cents.

Fletcher said currently the district needs to replace a tanker and a mini-pumper - one in the Northside department and one in the East End department.

"If the election is successful the commissioners would be in a position to budget for and purchase these items," he said. "And establish an equipment replacement program."

The vote will be taken the same day as the general election.




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