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Name: Raine Romero
Nicknames inside the classroom: Rainbow, Rainyday, Raindrop, Raine Marie, Lizbeth
Email: [email protected]
UIN: 6738943
Homepage: [ none ]
Nick in IRC: _MiKaela_
Chats in channel: #acsanlo, #tops
Birthday: Sept. 29, 1983
Clubs: 1st Yr: Facets, 2nd-4th Yr: Volleyball Varsity
Globe HP: [ message sending failed ]
DWTL Batch: AC-DWTL Batch 23 � 25
Quote: "The only people who fail are those who never try."
Words frequently used: "Kulit!"
Famous Line: "Panatang makabayan..."
Thing that you always have with you: pen, Chapsick and rosary
Thing you will miss in Assumption: frozen mango and gym
Awards won: 1998- Parangal sa Assumptionista
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