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Name: Joanne Lonzaga
Nicknames inside the classroom: Joj, Maam Joj, Jo
Email: [email protected]
UIN: 22700790
Homepage: [ none ]
Nick in IRC: Joj
Chats in channel: #acsanlo
Birthday: Jan. 16, 1984
Clubs: 1st Yr: Homemakers, 2nd Yr: Mathein, 3rd Yr: Volleyball, 4th Yr: Yearbook
Globe HP: [ not in service ]
DWTL Batch: AC-DWTL Batch 22 � 25
Quote: "Yes, you have left a place of suffering. But listen, there will be more joy in heaven over the tears of a repentant sinner than over the white roses of a hundred good men. If you are leaving that sorrowful place with hate and anger against men, you are worthy of compassion, if you leave it with good will, gentleness and peace, you are better than any of us." -Bishop Bienvenu (Les Miserables)
Words frequently used: "Whatever!"
Famous Line: "Guys, tone down!"
Thing that you always have with you: small rosary
Thing you will miss in Assumption: Revel bars and frozen mango!
Awards won:
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