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Name: Ana Co
Nicknames inside the classroom: AnaCo
Email: [email protected]
UIN: 19363253
Homepage: [ none ]
Nick in IRC: Sugarpuffs
Chats in channel: #tops, #acsanlo, #ateneo, #obmc
Birthday: Oct. 13, 1982
Clubs: 1st-2nd Yr: Mathein, 3rd-4th: Tennis
Globe HP: [ message sending failed ]
DWTL Batch: none
Quote: "A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis pain that pain to miss; but of all the pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain" -Abraham Crouley
Words frequently used: "Whatever!"
Famous line: "Sa bus driver ko yun..!
Thing that you always have with you: watch
Thing you will miss in Assumption: the school itself
Awards won: Loyalty Award! (OBMC) -->naks! hehehe
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