A Charmed Life

Teen People
November 1998 Issue

Third Eye Blind's Stephan Jenkins takes time out to share his non-musical side:

Favorite Animal: I have an American Staffordshire terrier, which is basically a pit bull, called The Boo. She's, like, canine perfection. She's got doggy dignity. The Boo is a friend to children as well as cats. And she saved me from getting mugged. When action was called for, she completely turned it on and shut down the bad guys.

Favorite word: Ubiquitous, meaning everywhere or frequently occurring. I'm trying to think of a way to use it, but i can't. I just like the way it sounds.

Favorite TV show: I can't sit through a whole show. Chris Carter, the guy who does The X-Files, likes the band, and he sent us tapes of every episode. We used to sit around in the bus watching them all the time, but I got sick of Fox and Scully. Why don't they just get it on?

Favorite Childhood Toy:My brother, my friend and I had these long pieces of industrial plastic tubing that we made swords out of. I gave more than I got, but we all had huge welts. It sounds all cute, but a lot of people got hit real hard with that tubing.

Favorite Part of Kicking Butt:(since I quit smoking) I can sing better, and, of course, there's the lack of that horrible smoker's stench that gets on your fingers and in your hair.

Favorite Sport:I can't express how little I care about watching people play sports. I like playing, not just watching. I look snowboarding, surfing, volley-ball, minigolf...

Favorite Mode of Transportation: I have a 1961 Buick Invicta. It's a beige convertible that looks sort of sedate, but it has this huge engine and it's really fun. It looks like something JFK would cruise around in. But I never get to drive it because we're always on tour.

Favorite Item Thrown on Stage: Probably a velvet glove--It comes from "Losing a Whole Year." And there are always the ubiquitous red panties from "Semi Charmed Life." Hey, I just used ubiquitous in a sentence!

~Special Thanks to Christine for telling me this article was in Teen People!

Added: October 3, 1998

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