Talks of Father Gregory Hesse

A summary of Fr. Hesse's talk on the documents of Vatican II -- • Fr. Hesse: Truth about Second Vatican Council • Fr. Hesse: Modernism and Pope Pius X *

Fr. Hesse's qualifications: Fr. Hesse was appointed theologian by the Holy Father, John Paul II. He had his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law. Fr. Hesse spent 15 years in Rome, and was the secretary for Cardinal Stickler for 2 years.
Vatican II, as a Whole, is unacceptable to a Catholic -- Fr. Gregory Hesse
Fr. Hesse: A 3rd Conversation on Tradition vs. Modernism.
Fr. Hesse: The New Mass is the Foundation of a New Faith & New Church.
Martin Luther, Saint or Sinner?. talk by Fr. Hesse.

  A Summary of Fr. Hesse’s talk on the documents of Vatican II

 Fr. Hesse qualifications:  Fr. Hesse was appointed theologian by the Holy Father, John Paul II.  He has his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law.  Fr. Hesse spent 15 years in Rome and was the secretary for Cardinal Stickler for 2 years.

 Quotations regarding the unchangeability of the Sacraments:

 Canon 13, 7th Session of the Council of Trent says:  “If anyone says that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administrations of the sacraments, may be condemned, or without sin be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed by any pastor of the churches whomsoever into new ones; let him be anathema.”  Some translations in English mistranslate as “…or be changed by any pastor of the churches into new ones…”.  The word ‘whomsoever’ includes the Pope himself who is the Prime Minister (pastor).  Latin:  per quem cumque Ecclesiarum Pastorum

The Council of Trent does not need to tell me that any pastor cannot change the rites.

 Pope Innocent III said that if any future Pope tries to change the sacraments, he must not be followed.

At Council of Florence Pope Eugene IV had as his theologian Cardinal Torquemada who wrote a book titled “Summa Ecclesia”, which says that if a Pope tries to change the sacraments he puts himself outside the Church.  For this work Pope Eugene IV gave him the title “Defender of the Faith”.

Pope St. Pius V in response to the Council of Trent’s dogmatic definitions wrote his bull Quo Primum.  This bull clearly states that the Roman rite and those rites greater than 200 years old, cannot be changed and that any priest cannot be forced to say any other rite.  All Popes after this time up to and including Pope John XXIII interpreted Quo Primum as binding on them. (See Appendix A).

 Now many Catholics who are “conservative” acknowledge these documents and agree that the old rites should be preserved but defend Vatican II and say that it never intended to change the rites and these are just abuses.  Fr. Hesse will show that the second Vatican council did intend to change the rites and do have heresy in them.   Therefore Vatican II must be rejected in total, not in each line as they do occasionally quote old Councils.

 Due to many misunderstandings Fr. Hesse gives many theological definitions to assist the average lay person to understand the issues better before beginning a review of the Vatican II documents.

 Definitions –

 Objective vs Subjective:

 Objective means something concerns the thing or object.  Subjective means something concerns the person.  When I make an objective judgement I judge facts or things or actions.  When I make a subjective judgement I judge a person (which I do not want to do).  Objective concerns the thing itself.  Subjective means what something means to me.  Pope Eugene IV in the Council of Florence (1441) pronounced that no one who is not subject to the Roman Pontiff, even if he thinks he sheds his blood for Christ, can be saved.  The Pope makes an objective judgement.  He does not say that all Protestants are in Hell.  Objectively speaking they have no chance to enter heaven.  Subjectively we do not know what the Lord will do with them. Two rules of the church:  The church does not judge the dead.  (De Mortuis Ecclesia non judica.) The church does not judge internal things (De internis Ecclesia non judica.).

 Material vs. Formal:

 Material means that something is there i.e. It exists.  Formal means it is declared as such.  If  I say John Paul II is a material  heretic, that means, he has all the matter of a heretic. It can be proven, that many of his writings, or things that he said, are heretical.  I would not dare to say he is a heretic (formal) for no one can judge the Pope and no one can judge his intentions or conscience.  I see heresy, it is there (material), but one cannot say it is formal heresy.  For instance, the Pope will say “according to tradition…”  and then he proceeds to say something wrong.  An example of formal heresy would be if he should say something like “Contrary to what the Council of Trent says, I tell you…” some heresy.

 Valid vs. Licit:

Valid means it takes place, it happens.  Licit means that it is allowed or legal.  For instance the Roman Catholic church has always recognized the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church has all seven sacraments, valid but not licit since they are heretics and schismatics.  Heretic because they say the Pope is not infallible and schismatic because they say the Pope does not have the primacy.

 Act and Potency:  (entire philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas is based on this distinction).

 Anything that is, can be in two ways, Actually or Potentially.  The new philosophy / theology does not use these distinctions.  When John Paul II says “all people are saved” is he correct?  If he means potentially, then he is correct.  If he means actually then he is in error.  Our Lord says many go to the wide and broad way to hell.  The Pope does not distinguish between act and potency.

 Heresy, Schism, Error, Disobedience:

 Schism means I separate myself from the Church, not denying anything of the faith itself but simply denying church authority.  If I tell you not to do something that the Pope said was wrong then I just tell you what Pope Innocent III and Pope Pius IX said.  If I tell you that you should not regard anything this Pope says then I would be leading you into schism.  Do not deny the power of the Pope’s authority!  Just as President Clinton is president and we cannot deny this but if he tells me to disregard the 10 commandments I tell him no. This is not denying his authority, it is simply not obeying an unjust command, since I do not reject his power to give commands, just the command itself.  This is our present relationship to the Pope.

 Heresy means to know but deny or doubt a defined doctrine of the Church.

 Error means you may have a mistaken understanding of what the church teaches.  (i.e. you are erroneous).   If there is something the Pope should know then I talk about heresy.  If there is something he clearly misunderstood then I have to talk about error, always judging objectively and materially.

Disobedience has nothing to do with Schism, Heresy or Error.   When Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated bishops he at first glance appeared to be disobedient.  (He was not disobedient because it was an unjust command he did not follow and it was certainly not against the will of Christ or the Church).  In no way can one say he was in schism because he never denied the Popes right to give a command, he simply said I cannot follow this one command because it is unjust.  This is explained in another lecture given by Fr. Hesse.

 You must understand these distinctions otherwise you will not understand what I am about to say.  Next we must go over what is know as Theological Positions (Thelochi Theologica).  These are finer distinctions than heresy and error as well as Catholic truths.

 Catholic Truth:

 De fide divina:  By divine faith.  That is it must be believed.  These are such things as Canons of Council of Trent, Vatican I, etc. declare a dogma.

 De fide Catolica: The church has always believed it.  It is part of the faith (e.g. the creed).

 De fide de finita:  The church has always believed it but once in history a Pope has made a definition. (e.g. 1854 – Pope Pius IX proclaimed dogma of Immaculate Conception-this was always believed but was now defined on exactly what this was supposed to mean.

 Fide Proxima:  Close to the faith.  It is not a dogma but the church has always believed it and it could be a dogma at any time.  (e.g.  Mary as Co-Redemptrix:  Our Lady had first role in helping Our Lord in redemption, although only Jesus saves)  This is a Sententia Fide Proxima, that is you may not deny it without fear of punishment from God.

 Sententia Certa:  It is not actually of the faith but we are very sure about it.

 Sententia Communis:  We may not be very sure about it but everyone says so, not in sense of democracy but in sense of historical accordance.  Most of saints, theologians, Popes throughout centuries agreed on it.

 Sententia Probabalis:  It is probable.  We don’t know exactly.  (e.g. if a person in mortal sin dies and makes a perfect act of contrition the church teaches most probably he will be saved).

 Ecclesiastical Centures:

 Heretical:  directly denies dogma of the faith.

Heresy Proxima:  does not literally deny a dogma but it coming pretty close to it.

Erroneous:  It is not denying a dogma but just make a mistake about it.

Arrorea Proxima:  It is not wrong in itself but by circumstances.

Temeraria:  It is daring to say so.  How dare you say it. It is Male Sonans (it does not sound good).  It is offensive to pious ears. (Piario Aurreum Offensiva).  It is scandalous when done in public.

 Before starting a detailed examination of some of the scandalous documents of Vatican II, let me quote the Gospel.

 “Who so shall offend one of these little ones that follow me it were better for him if a mill stone was hanged about his neck and he was drowned in the depths of the sea”.

 Some ask why is Fr. Hesse not nice and kind.  “Think not that I have come to send peace on earth.  I have come not to send peace but a sword.”

Some say this Fr. Hesse is a rigorist.  Let me quote another rigorist.  “For verily I say unto you not one jot or one tittle shall in nowise pass from the law till all be fulfilled.” and “I am the way, the truth and the life”.

 “But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed”.
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  * Hell: The Pain of Sense. 10-page booklet.

Ranjith: communion on the tongue only and while kneeling

The Archbishop of Colombo in Sri Lanka, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, has restored in his archdiocese the practice of communion on the tongue only and while kneeling. Last month, on the Feast of St. Joseph, he reiterated in an address to his clergy that this manner of receiving communion is mandatory for all of the faithful in his territory, even during outdoor Masses (emphasis mine):

May I also remind you once again that in all Churches and Chapels in the Archdiocese Holy Communion is to be administered only on the tongue and kneeling. This should be implemented as normal use even at Holy Mass celebrated with the participation of a big crowd outdoors.

On such occasions at least the youth and the children as well as the “youthful” should be called upon to kneel and receive the Lord. This is the most appropriate way of expressing our profoundest belief in the continuous and personal presence of the Lord in the most Sacred Host as we acclaim “down in adoration falling, lo! the Sacred Host we hail”. And in all our Churches, as an expression of that faith our people should be called upon to receive the Holy Communion, kneeling. And so kindly take steps to fix the altar rails and a cushion line fixed to the ground before the railing so that all could kneel and receive easily. It is also good for us to explain to our people about the teaching of the Church on the Most Holy Eucharist as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Nos. 1373-1381.

The Archbishop also announced that he will personally take charge of the effort to correct liturgical abuses regarding Mass vestments in the Archdiocese of Colombo:

CONTINUE READING. Cardinal Ranjith to His Clergy --

. . . . . Battle Beads Blog. . . . Way of Divine Love, by Josefa Menendez (selections) • Victim souls: Videos *

The Privilege of the Victim Soul. 3 min.


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