The Truth About the Second Vatican Council . . Free Website Translator

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Post-Conciliar Disorientation vs Clarity of Tradition

(Rome) The Second Vatican Council was to be the start of a new flower, to a new "spring" of the Church of charismata and strong religious faith of the people. The Council, at least in the conviction of not a few prelates, clergy and laity of the 60s, was to make "all things" new, especially the relationship between society and the Church. Through the Council, Christianity would reach all people, all ideologies, even embracing all other religions and in a new world that was Christian through and through.

And yet some, still undaunted, agree to praises of the Council. An attitude which imposes two explanations. Some, because they welcome the negative effects in the post-Conciliar period internally. The others, because they force themselves in a denial of reality and try to keep these effects to which they object inside, to desperately to ignore them, because criticism of the council was made successfully into a taboo. ♦ Read More Here.

• Vatican II council hijacked by Freemasons, communists and Modernists.

• Vatican II - Christopher Ferrara
• Second Vatican Council: "John XXIII shocked the world when he announced in 1959 that a council would convene."
• Pope John XXIII Regretted Vatican II? Before dying, his last words were: "Stop the council!" [reported by Jean Guitton] - Same -

 • The French Revolution & Vatican II. 26 min.
• "Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church." -- Cardinal Suenens.
"Gaudium et Spes [a document of the council]  represents on the part of the Church, an attempt to effect an official reconciliation with the new era, inaugurated by 1789." -- Cardinal Ratzinger
 "The Church has peacefully had its October Revolution." -- Fr. Yves Congar.

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• Fr. Hesse: Truth about Second Vatican Council *

Pope John XXIII Pope John XXIII

Talks of Father Gregory Hesse -

• Fr. Hesse's qualifications: Fr. Hesse was appointed theologian by the Holy Father, John Paul II. He had his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law. Fr. Hesse spent 15 years in Rome, and was the secretary for Cardinal Stickler for 2 years.
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• Revolution and Counter-Revolution, by Atila S. Guimaraes
Explains how conservatives and counter-revolutionaries can work together, in order to fight the evil in the world and in the Catholic Church.

Second Vatican Council • Second Vatican Council: 1962--1965


Ecumenical Councils Ecumenical Councils - * - Deposit of the Faith Deposit of the Faith - Papal Decrees Papal Decrees -


• Liberalism Is A Sin, by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany
• Liberalism Is A Sin -- Catholic Tradition


• Pascendi Dominici Gregis. Encyclical of Pope Pius X on the Doctrines of the Modernists

Descent of Modernists . . Life Offering -- To the Sacred Heart. A Call to be a Quiet Modern Apostle.

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