Cats for Adoption
Dogs for Adoption
Happy Tails
Pet Fairs and Events

Second Chance Animal Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to retrieving adoptable cats and dogs from local animal shelters and finding them loving homes. Every year thousands of cats and dogs are euthanized in animal shelters across the country due to pet overpopulation, limited resources and irresponsible pet owners. Many of these cats and dogs end up in these shelters because they are no longer the small, cute kittens or puppies they brought home, but adult cats and dogs. Others are strays who's owners never claimed them or a neglected pet who has developed a behavior that requires the owner spend a little time with it. We believe these animals who have loved their owners unconditionally deserve a second chance. If you are planning on adopting a companion pet consider one of our shelter cats or dogs. Also, check your local shelters where you'll find many lovable and adoptable cats and dogs. For more information about our rescue group, adopting an animal or how you can help homeless pets, e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at (831)623-2337/637-0980.


Cat Litter
Pet Carriers
Animal Loving Volunteers
Cat and Dog Food
Goats Milk or Kitten Milk Replacer
Monetary Donations for Medical Expenses

Donations can be sent to:
Second Chance Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 339
San Juan Bautista, CA 95045




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