Native speaking

1. You --> ya ( Do, Are, Can, What do, How are, and  When can ))

2. You --> ja ( Did, Could and Would )



1.  Do you --> D'ya

     Do you like spaghetti? --> D'ya like spaghetti?


2. Are you --> Arya

    Are you at work right now? --> Aryat work right now?


3. Can you --> Kinya

    Can you give me a ride? --> Kinya  gimme a ride>?


4. What do you --> Whaddaya

    What do you thing? --> Whaddaya think?


5. How are you --> Howarya

    How are you feeling today? --> Howarya feelin'  today?


6. When can you --> Whenkinya

    Whnn ca you call me? --> Whenkinya call me?




Difference between.  Did, Would and Could

You --> Ja

1. Did you --> Didya

    Did you finish the book? --> Didja finish the book?


2. Would you --> Wouldja

    Would you like anythig to drink? --> Wouldja like anything to drink?


3. Could you --> Couldja

    Could you close the window? --> Couldja close the window?

Ot see playlist : "Native speaking"


To -> ta or  a

Give me -> gimme

Want to -> wanna

Going to -> gonna

And – N





Get + Adjective

1. get married

    We’re getting married next year.

    The wedding will be in August.


2. get divorced

    Brenda got divorced ten years ago, and she hasn’t spoken to her ex-hasband since.


3. Get angry

    My sister gets  really  angry when I borrow her clothes without asking.


4. get tired

    It’s late and I’m getting tired. Let’s go home.


5. get dark

    Turn on the headlights – it’s getting dark and it’s hard to see the road.


6. get lost

    Peter got lost in the New Yourk City subway system and had to ask for directions to Times Square


7. get better

    Larissa’s getting better at dancing. She practices every day.


8. get worse

    If your headaqche gets worse, you should see a doctor.


9. get more expensive

   It’s getting more and more expensive to buy an apartment in Florida.


10. get safer

      Buying things online has gotten safer with tools like PayPal.


11.  get more important

       It’s getting more important to speak multiple languages in today’s globalized world.


12.  get deeper

       Be careful – the water gets deeper quickly on that side of the pool.


13.  get up

       My alarm closk goes off at 6:30 but I’m lazy and I don’t get up until 7:15.


14.  get along with

       I get along really well with  my colleagues. They’re a pleasure  to work with.


15. get into

      How did the dog get into the house? He’s supposed to stay outside!



16. get out

       Rendal got out of the car to check the tires.


17. get around

      It’s very easy to hry around Berlin because there’s a great public transportation system.


18.  get together

       My family always gets together for the holidays.


19.  get to the office

       The boss always gets to the office  by 7 AM at the latest.


20. get home

      I had to work overtime so I didn’t get home until midnight.


21.  get to school

       Sarah got to school late and missed  her first class.


22.  get to the train station

       When they got to the train station , they realized they’d left their tickets at home.


23.  get to the store

       Hurry up! I want to get to the store before it closes


24. get there

       I don’t know where the restaurant is, Could you tell me how to get there?


25. get an e-mail

      Did you get the e-mail I sent you?


26. get present

      I got lots of presents for my birthday this year.


27.  get grades

       If you get good grades in high school, you can go to a good college.


28.  get a certification

        I got my scube diving certification  last summer.


29.  get an award

       Ted got an award for being the best salesperson in the company.


30.  get a shipment

       We got a large shipment of  books today – what should I do with them?


31.  get a job

       Tanya moved to Los Angeles becayse she got a job there.


32.  get an  apartment

       I got a great apartment right in the city center!


33.  got a computer

       I just got this computer, and it’s already broken.


34.  get a jacket

       That’s a really nice jacket! Where did you get it?


35.  get shoes

       I got these shoes in Barcelona.


36.  get (something ) for a good price

        We got this TV for a good price during the spring sale.