Last updated Aug. 29, 2006

The 124th New York State Volunteers is a Civil War era reenactment unit started in 1982 in Orange County, NY, where the old regiment was raised. The unit has about 50 members in uniform and accurately represents a company at mid-war. Spouses and children are welcomed in this family oriented group; the ladies may choose to participate in The Daughters of Orange which portrays a patriotic organization of the time. The 124th NYSV has the honor to take its place as Company  A, Second Regiment (Col. Rick Dussinger), United States Volunteers, Colonel Dana Heim commanding.  Capt. Joseph DeRoma of the 124th NY is a line company commander in the USV.  As a member unit of the USV, the 124th observes all the safety and authenticity regulations of the USV in camp and on the march. Headquarters for the 124th NY is located at The Orange County Farmers Museum, RT 17 K, Montgomery, NY. Officers and NCO's are as follows:
President/Unit Historian Charles LaRocca
Joe DeRoma
2nd. Lieut. 
Wayne Merrick
1st Sgt. 
Bob Morrow
Bob Slaughter
Corp. Tim Wurtz
Al Scuderi
Shane Weymer
Ryan McIntyre
The 124th is a not-for-profit corporation recognized by the State of New York as An Historic Military Command, the only New York Civil War era unit so designated. Recruits, either fresh fish or seasoned veterans, are always welcome. Prospective members must be at least 18 years old and in good physical condition. Each recruit must be sponsored by an existing member and must be voted in on a one year probationary period by the membership.  After the successful completion of the probationary period, the membership again votes to accept the new recruit. Dues are $24/year + cost of insurance.
The group has its monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at The Orange County Farmers Museum in Montgomery; meetings start at 7PM. Several weekend events will be held at the Farmers Museum starting in the spring; including a three day reenactment over the Columbus Day weekend.
The 124th NY is working with the staff of the museum to restore one of Orange County's great farms to its 19th century glory. This year we plan to build additional permanent winter quarters on the property both for spectators to see how soldiers were housed and to use at reenactments.  This year we will also be constructing a variant of the Bryan House(Gettysburg, PA).
Navigate throughout this site using the links at the top or bottom of the page to read soldiers' letters, peruse through the list of the officers of the regiment and much more.
2006 Event Schedule | Officers of the Original Regiment | Battles & Casualties | Annual Event | Monuments to the 124th | Enlistment Poster | Troiani Print | Links | Images of the Unit | Home |

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