
Film Photography portfolio of Lauren Smith

Film Photography Portfolio of Lauren Smith

About     Tips

As a beginner in film photography, I am eager to learn and explore the world of analog photography. While the digital era has made photography more accessible, there's something special about film that can't be replicated. The way light interacts with film creates a unique and authentic look that can't be found in digital images.
As I embark on my journey as a film photographer, I'm learning to slow down and appreciate the process. Each shot requires intention and thoughtfulness, from selecting the right film and camera to composing the shot and developing the film. It's a mindful approach to photography that encourages me to be present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of the world around me. read more
5 Helpful Tips
1. Use a light meter to properly expose your images. In older film camera the light meter battery could be dead, which most beginners might not know. Make sure to look at your film camera manual to get the right battery. This will make it much easier to let the camera take in the right amount of light and speed the process of printing your photo.

2. Learn how to develop your own film. This will give you more control over the final image and allow you to experiment with different development techniques. If this option isn’t convenient, develop film at a store that allows you to keep your negatives, so you can keep reprinting the film in the future.

3. Film Photography supplies are expensive, so buy in bulk when you can.read more


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man posing in front of a truck
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leaves pattern
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