Baby whales

There were two baby whales in the ocean. One boy baby whale and one girl baby whale. They played together everyday in the ocean.

One day the boy baby whale saw a freighter in the water. "Look, that is the boat that killed my father', said the boy. "We have to do something! I have to avenge my fathers death! Are you with me?"

The girl baby whale just stared at the boy. "Look, He said, I bet if we swim under the boat and blow from our blow holes hard enough we can tip that mean boat over and avenge my father's death. Now, are you with me?!"

The girl baby whale wanted to help the boy baby whale so she said, "Okay...." So the two baby whales swam under the freighter and they blew from their blow holes as hard as they could. Sure enough, the boat tipped over. "Yes! I've avenged by father's death", said the boy. But wait, there were some crewmen swimming in the water. "Look," said the boy, "there are survivors! We can't let that happen!! I have to avenge my fathers death!"

"What do you want to do?" asked the girl. "Well, we have to swim over there and eat them of course," said the boy. "Whoa... wait a minute", said the girl, "I was with you for the blow job, but I'm not swallowing any seamen!"

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