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My poetry is nothing compared to my real thoughts of the world... if only I could post my truest of poetry and thoughts. Perhaps on this page I will push the limit of what I feel I should be putting up for all to see... actually I will do that. This page is going to be rather large and listed by dates. If you are really interested in the darkest thoughts of others, then this page is for you. If you are scared of your own shadow and thoughts, or if you worship the written word... perhaps you should leave.

Please, I am a published writer and poet, and all of my writings are copyrighted, so please respect my hard work. If for some unknown reason you wish to copy some of these thoughts, please give me credit for them. It will not take long until this section will overflow to more pages... I have been writing continuously for 18 years, and I have some very long thoughts... enjoy if you dare. One thought... I was raised very strict Catholic and attended Catholic School... just so you have some idea why I think the way I do. Beware of some adult language and situations. If you are not sure you wish to read extremely controversial material, please go out the way you came in, and shut the door behind you.

November 19, 1996 "How To Be Great"

Such admiration of iconoclastic dreams is consistent with the delusions of grandeur brought forth by the ever-present need for the feeling of self-importance, which comes from a basic need in all humans. The ever-present questioning of and concerning the meaning of life could and may be construed as nothing more than the non-dying desire for each individual to be a god in his own mind. To fathom why we are here is not important~~ but what we do while we are here is.

A prime example of the present desire to be a god would be my own heart-felt need to please and take care of those that I care dearly for, or even know only on an acquaintance type basis. To show my warm love just by helping them out when they are totally unaware of the fact that they are being helped by anyone at all, just as the acts of a god should be. A god should be all giving, and expecting nothing in return. For the human race is selfish within its own self-preservation. Those that can put others before themselves are the true gods.

Big men are not big because of what they do for themselves, they are big men by the way they treat others and others below them. They are big men because of the way they treat little men. To be a god, you must treat others like you are a god, not expect them to treat you like you are a god. To give all and expect nothing. Lead and they shall follow. Try to lead and they shall try to follow. Expect them to follow, and you will receive nothing but opposition. It all comes down to great men are great because of the way that they treat everyone, not just the way they treat elite individuals who can do something for them.

Furthermore, in the course of this study, we will find that every great man, throughout history, has been insane in one way or another. Eccentric to say the least, and paranoid schizophrenic in the most extreme cases. The greatest men of all time were plagued by the likes of God Complexes, Bi-polar disorder, insecurity anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, delusions, and many forms of schizophrenia. They were also known to be homosexuals, bisexuals, transvestites, pedophiliacs, incestuous, impotents, or simply freaks like me who cannot be catagorized.

Only within the mind of abnormal super-intelligence can great desires and thoughts be fathomed and put to use. Great artists are psychotic within their own loneliness and depression. Alcoholism and drug abuse are also signs of mental instability. It does not matter how "Holy" and "Pure" you may think someone is... everyone holds a secret they do not wish you to know of.

Could we say then, to be famous and great, we cannot possibly be normal?

� 1996 Lord Dellamort�

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