Greetings ghost lovers, you have stumbled upon my personal ghost pictures. Now, not everyone believes in ghosts or spirits, or things that we cannot see... but I do. These pictures were taken by me, at various times and in various places. You may not see the same things in them that I see, but that is okay. This page may take a minute to load, for I did not think that I should put up bad copies of photos that are hard enough to see already. Should you have any input or would like to discuss them with me, please feel free to email me. I have placed some recent ghost stories below the photos.

This would have to one of my favorites. I took this in October of 1998 at Roselawn Cemetery around midnight. I used a PDC300 digital camera. All of the lines at the top of the picture are branches above my head, but there is no explanation for the light around the angel or to the right of the angel; for it was nothing but sky there.

This photo was taken with a PDC300 digital camera on the night of July 7, 1999 at Bear Canon Cemetery. The time as about 10:00 p.m., and the moon was low in the eastern sky. This headstone was underneath a tree, thus the green "smudge" at the top. I am sure that some of these are reflections, but the two good-sized orbs are very evident.This photograph was also taken the same night, a few minutes later, and a few feet away. What we are seeing is two orbs streaking across the ground quicker than the shutter on my digital camera.

Just a few more orbs captured on the same night as above with the same camera.

I felt something present right before I took this picture, same place and time as above. I looked at the thumbnail to see what had turned out, and noticed the "object" on the right side, above the stone. I glanced over there, and did not see anything above the stone, so I walked over there... and there is nothing above it or behind it. I don't know about this one, I find it very puzzling, and very interesting.This blown-up version of the photo to the left is not to incredible. I have a very cheap digital camera, and in the dark... I did the best I could so that you could perhaps see a bit better what I think I saw...

This rendered photo was sent to me by someone
who wishes to remain anonymous (but thank you the same!).
He also believes in what I see in it. I don't feel
so all alone now in seeing a face with beedy little eyes...

This photo was taken in June of 1997 at Roselawn Cemetery. Yes, the living person has been painted black because she is very unimportant. Notice the apparition that appears on the right lower part of the picture. At first I thought it may be a reflection off of the tombstone, but then I realized that it would not have wrapped itself around her. The day was overcast, and I was using a Vivitar 110 camera with 200 speed film (a $15 camera). This was taken around 4:00 p.m..

Do you think you live in a haunted place? Do strange, unexplainable things happen now and again? I am willing to believe you. I want to share a few things that have happened within the past couple of months within our house.

Just the other day, Rev. Fazzone and myself were sitting in front of the computer working on another web site. We looked up at the screen to see the mouse arrow going crazy against the side of the screen. The first thing I did was to look at the mouse and see if it was moving, and alas it was not in any way. The arrow moved for about 20 seconds, and then went over and high-lighted a line that said "to build a place where all would feel welcome". It stopped at the end of that sentence, which was in the middle of a line, and went back over to the left side of the page and stayed there. This has never happened before in all of the 16 years that I have been working on computers, and needless to say, it is really stuck in our minds right now. I sincerely feel that someone was trying to re-affirm what I was writing about on the new site.

A few months ago, I was laying in bed waiting for Rev. fazzone to get ready for bed, she was in the bathroom. The door was open about 6 inches, and had been for about 20 minutes. I heard the handle turn and the door quietly close. I leaned over and asked her why now she chose to shut the door after all of this time. She replied that she did not shut the door, and thought that I had. There were no windows open and the door did not slam shut. I distinctly heard the handle being turned and the door closing. She was in the bathtub, and I was in the bed... and needless to say, we had a bit of trouble sleeping that night.

I have resided in the same place for the past five years, and much of that time was spent living alone. Over the course of many years, I would come home to find very simple things moved from where I know for a fact that I left them. It un-nerved me quite often, and I would always end up searching the house for anybody hiding, but no one was ever there. Many times I awoke to the sound of foot-steps, for the floor is very old and creeky, and I know the sounds that it makes when someone walks over it. No one was ever there when I checked. I am not afraid of this ghost in any manner at all, and I do wish to see it sometime soon. I have often found myself talking to it as if it were listening to me. I do not count this as being haunted at all, for it has never done anything to harm me or anyone else in any way at all.

Cemetery hauntings are by far the interesting of all paranormal events for me. These restless spirits simply will not accept the fact that they have passed on, or perhaps they have unfinished business of a sort. The most haunted cemetery that I have run across is Bear Canon. I am not alone in these stories, other people have witnessed them first hand as well. At the end of July, 2000 there was a new moon on the weekend. As Christina and I traveled through Denver as the sun went down, we witnessed a most spectacular event. The sun was incredibly large, and extremely red. Almost a blood red, and I for one have never seen it this color. I knew that as the sun went down, there was not going to be a moon coming up, so the night would be extremely dark. We arrived at bear Canon about 3 am. It was indeed extremely dark outside of the cities, with no moon to guide our paths. The usual barking dogs were incredibly quite this night. There was bit of uneasiness in the air. I have been in cemeteries hundreds of times during the night, and never did I feel something in this manner. We walked back along the only road that led to a small church, and out of habit, we walked to the right side of the church. I said outloud "Okay, now a big security light will come on", and it did. No sooner did we take but 10 steps off of the road and passed the first gravestone when we both heard it simultaneously.... this is a very small square cemetery, maybe 200 yards by 200 yards. Something was coming from the front of the cemetery. We were in the very back of the cemetery, almost against the fence. Never in my life had a heard a sound like this.

Yes, I know that we both heard it because we looked at one another at the same time. I dismissed it as the dogs at the firehouse howling. But as it grew louder, and higher pitched, I knew not what to think of it. I distinctly recall hearing 20-25 different cycles of high-pitched "howling". I simply cannot describe it, and the one night that I forget my tape recorder!! For shame!! Anyway, I really did try to discount it as being the dogs. But then it starting coming around the left side of the cemetery, about 70 feet from us... okay now I was getting nervous and I could hear her heart pounding. I was simply trying to believe that is a few packs of wild dogs howling at an incredibly abnormal pitch. The last straw was when the sound started behind us, so near yet so far away. Still I was thinking it was wild dogs, and I was contemplating how fast I could break into the church to protect her. I would never consider breaking into a church for any other reason.

Now that the sounds were comppletely surrounding us, I decided that it was unearthly, and not any kind of dog. I personally probably would have stayed longer, until she stated that she was out of here, and I followed her out. I recall the sound stopping pretty much as soon as we stepped onto the road, but we didn't stop until we got to the truck and got out of there. We spent the next three hours recalling every detail. It crossed my mind that perhaps someone had set up a booby-trap of some sort for those wandering into the cemetery after dark. But it was a fools idea, for the sound could not be replicated by any equipment that I know of. Furthermore, this cemetery is so far removed from the city that who would bother? This cemetery sits all alone with pretty much nothing around it for a half of a mile. Plus, if they had been waiting for us, why didn't they police or anybody show up? Not only that, but the dogs at the firehouse never did start barking.... hmmmm...

Furthering the thought on what could have happened-- Christina has, for some time now, been bothered by a ghost that follows her from house to house. Her parents have heard it but they catagorically deny it and play it off as something else. I simply wonder if this spirit followed us to the cemetery, and the other spirits there were telling it something, or something... Yes, Bear Canon is where most of my ghost photos come from, the place is incredibly haunted, in my opinion.

Over the next week, we spoke to many people about this experience. My mom also mentions that maybe it was a booby-trap, but I simply must dismiss this idea. I simply think it had something to do with the new moon, and the red sun.... but anyhow... So the following week April and myself went there about 4 pm in the daylight to look for booby traps and such, we found nothing of the sort. We both decided that it would have been pretty improbable for someone to set something up like that. We went back later that night about 10 pm. Nothing of this extreme nature happened to us, but we both heard a few things that did not belong.

Towards the back of the cemetery, where everything else seems to happen, and where most of the "ghost" photos come from, we heard a voice. It was the voice of a little girl. I could not tell if she said "mommy" or "daddy" or something like that. At first I thought it was all in my mind, but she looked at me and asked if I just heard a little girl. Then I knew I was not hearing things at all. A few minutes later (now this gets weird) I heard another sound that she also heard clear as crystal. We heard a bunch of people talking towards the front of the cemetery, very clear, very loud. We then heard the sound of screeching tires and the sound of a vehicle hitting another vehicle. I thought, "oh no, someone just hit my truck" and I became very nervous. I walked about 20 feet out to the raod and looked up at my truck, which sat there perfectly unharmed in the darkness. No one was around at all..... nobody.... anywhere.... we thought we should leave-- so we did.

I went back up again about two weeks ago at about midnight with Desiree. Absolutely nothing there. Neither of us heard anything, felt anything, saw anything... nothing showed up on the photos. It was interesting. Perhaps it was her, perhaps she was closed off and the spirits felt this. We'll see what next month brings...

Do you believe in ghosts and spirits and such? I would love to hear your stories and perhaps even put them here for all to read and partake of.

Since July 13, 1999
A total of Lost Souls have snuck into the cemetery after dark...

A thank you goes out to Coinneach Fitzpatrick for the use of the new version of your midi "Spooky" on this page.
All Photographs are � 1999 by Lord Dellamort�
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